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感冒了,紧接是喉咙和气管的疼痛。After taking a cold rawness of the larynx and trachea come on.

虽然还是有些紧张,但他也不禁跟着笑了起来。Simon, despite a certain rawness of nerves, could not help but join in.

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我们把物质性和优雅的事物结合在一起,没有隐藏建筑现有的素净。We combined materiality and beautiful objects without hiding the existing rawness of the building.

结果就是悲喜交加的生育高峰,新生命诞生的喜悦释缓了刚刚失去孩子的伤痛。The result is a bittersweet baby boom, the joy of each birth tempered by the rawness of the recent loss.

这是人心灵中质朴的一面,外表上那层中年男人的外壳现在离我远去,我找到了自己,一个真实的我。It's this rawness of spirit, the way the crust of my middle-age shell has been blown off me, and here I am, the real me.

不像斧头砍伐出一个林中空地,或者露出了一片开垦了的田地的那种地方,这儿没有不美的或者不完整的感觉。There is no rawness nor imperfection in its edge there, as where the axe has cleared a part, or a cultivated field abuts on it.

就像恋爱之初的激情一样,未曾经历的失恋的痛苦也是强烈的——甚至是悲痛欲绝。Like the feelings of passion early in the relationship, the newness and rawness of grief and loss can be intense — and devastating.

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我们一直提倡使用如阳光板和天然木材这类未经过深加工的材料。Materials such as polycarbonate and wood were used thoroughly in order to advocate as much as possible this quality of rawness that we were pursuing.

她身着蓝色衬衫,膝盖上放着一件深色羊毛开衫,肩头瘦削,显得弱不禁风,从参差不齐的指甲看得出她经常啃手指。She was wearing a blue blouse and had placed a grey cardigan over her knees. Her shoulders were slim, almost fragile , and the rawness of her nails showed they were often chewed.

从那不受拘束的泼墨挥洒之间传达出一种静默平和,源自于能量的质朴表现和情感宣泄。There is a sense of tranquil abandon about this new series, with their streaks and sprays of pure, unfettered color. There is a rawness of energy, and a pulsating expression of emotion.

但假如你不去拒绝,好友列表里就会充斥半生不熟的人,你就更不方便与真正的朋友分享个人的信息了。But if you do not refuse, the good friend lists exterior and interior to be able to be full of the person of rawness , you are no-goer the information that shares an individual with true friend.

重修旧好所带来的全部坦诚,增强了最终进入我们心灵的情感,就像一场持续了一周、伴随着威胁和辱骂的争吵,最后甜蜜地消融在了相互谅解之中。What eventually followed was heightened by all the emotional rawness of a reconciliation, as though a calamitous week-long row with threats and insults were sweetly resolved in mutual forgiveness.