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你知道,那是一个提线木偶。You know, one of those marionette things.

我衷心机你成功,亲爱的木偶。I wish you all good luck, dear Marionette.

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“吞下咱们的这条鲨鱼很大很大吗?”木偶回道。"Is this Shark that has swallowed us very long?" asked the Marionette.

因为你是—个木偶,更糟的是,因为你有一个木头脑袋。Because you are a Marionette and, what is much worse, you have a wooden head.

我了解我父亲。被这么多线牵着,我就像个牵线木偶一样。I know my father. There'll be so many strings attached I'll look like a marionette.

我希望带着这个木偶周游世界,同时也好挣口饭吃。With this marionette I wish to travel through the world and earn for myself a little bread.

“您干吗笑?”木偶问她。眼看鼻子变得那么长,他着急得要命。"Why do you laugh?" the marionette asked her, worried now at the sight of his growing nose.

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到大橡树下,你会发现已经可怜巴巴、半死不活的木偶直挺挺躺在草地上。On reaching the oak tree, you will find a poor, half-dead Marionette stretched out on the grass.

我像挂在线上的木偶一样手舞足蹈,任自己在微风中恣意飞翔。I hung like a marionette from the threads, my arms dangling, floating at the mercy of the breeze.

学习如何在这个自由视频指南的提线木偶的木偶和木偶字符串。Learn how to work the strings of a marionette in this free video guide to puppets and marionettes.

木偶剧院,传统丰盛的肉汤等食物给这个国家带来了与众不同的魅力。Marionette theater plus the traditional hearty food of soups and meat add to this country's charm.

然后缓慢顺墙滑身而下,而腰部向前落——就像是松紧线牵动的木偶。Then slowly slide down the wall, falling forward from the waist—like a marionette with slack strings.

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木偶本来可以把他知道的事情都说出来,本来可以讲出狗和鸡韶之间的可耻协议。可他。The Marionette could have told, then and there, all he knew about the shameful contract between the dog and.

他怀疑这个路径是否会被发现,除非操作者能够把自身直入木偶的重心。He doubted if this could be found unless the operator can transpose himself into the centre of gravity of the marionette.

试图像牵线木偶一样控制未来将会提升遭受挫折、焦躁和沮丧的机会。Trying to manipulate the future like a marionette will increase instances of frustration, impatience, and discouragement.

合阳线戏为我国木偶戏中历史最早的,是中国北方提线木偶的仅存剧种。Heyang marionette is one of the earliest puppet shows in China and the only suvival type of stringed puppet in North China.

能够制作如此引人注目的假肢的匠人当然也能建造完全满足他特定需要的木偶。The craftsman who could make such remarkable limbs could surely build a complete marionette for him, to his specifications.

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18世纪,提线木偶歌剧极风行,至今在萨尔斯堡仍有根据莫扎特音乐演出的提线木偶。In the 18th century, marionette operas were extremely popular, and they are still performed today in Salzburg to Mozart's music.

泉州提线木偶传统剧目有七百余出,而且都以抄本形式世代相传。There are more than 700s Quanzhou marionette theater programs, which had the handwritten copy form to pass for generation to generation.

我们很容易相信,自己现在的样子是别人的责任,是由其他因素造成的,而我们就象个木偶一样,根本没办法支配自己。It is easy to believe that someone or something else is responsible for who we are and that we have no more control than a marionette does.