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它将把卢比和其他货币区别开来。It will distinguish the rupee from other currencies.

它的名称来源于印度货币单位卢比。The name derives from the Indian monetary unit rupee.

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但没有什么人预计卢比汇率这一惊人的下滑还会持续。But few say they expect the surprising slide in the rupee to continue.

上帝告诉他,在他的有生之年,印度卢比也不会成为全球储备货币。God told him that the Rupee won’t become a reserve currency in his lifetime.

袭击发生后,这座国际化的饭店被毁,致使卢比跌入新低。After the blast, which pulverised the international hotel, the rupee sank to a new low.

1974年发行Ngultrum时,不丹人就将它与印度卢比挂起钩来。When the Ngultrum was introduced in 1974, the Bhutanese pegged it with the Indian Rupee.

曼莫汉▪辛格去求问上帝什么时候印度卢比会成为全球储备货币。Manmohan Singh goes to ask God when will the Indian rupee become a global reserve currency.

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比较远的寺庙可以乘三轮车过去,从中华寺到萨迦寺那一带是15卢比。路上也有妇女在卖菱角。Rickshaws can be hired to go around. From Chinese Temple to Sakya Monastery costs 15 Rupee.

他认为,卢比的持续疲软可以帮助完成一次久盼未临的制造业昌旺。I'm fairly happy. " He reckons a weaker rupee will help spur a long-awaited boom in manufacturing."

但是,甚至印度的卢比、南韩韩元、台湾新台币和新加坡元及俄罗斯卢布兑美元的价格都几乎未变。But even the indian rupee korean won taiwanese and singaporean dollars and russian rouble have barely moved.

印度软件业雇佣市场激烈竞争,以及印度卢比走强,都给印度软件行业带来冲击.Intense competition to hire and retain staff and a strong Indian rupee are also hitting the sector in India.

斯里兰卡卢比是唯一在背面垂直打印的货币。Sri Lankan rupee is unique in that it is the only currency which is always printed vertically on the backside.

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辛格是个不光彩的笨蛋,在任内,他把卢比从20贬到50一美元。他怎么能帮忙?MMS is the disgraceful moron who devalued the rupee from 20 Rs to 50 Rs per dollar in his tenure. How can he help?

授课方是互联网安全提供商E2实验室,雅虎为皮伯郝参加这次学习支付了70000卢比。Giving lessons just is Internet safety provider E2 lab, yahoo attended this study to pay 70000 rupee for Pi Bai Hao.

11月8日,印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪宣布禁止流通500卢比和1000卢比钞票,可这项法令实施进程缓慢。India is already reeling from a ban on all 500 and 1,000 rupee notes announced on Nov. 8 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

放开资本账户并不一定意味着削弱卢比,说不定它还会吸引更多的资本流入。Nor is it certain that opening the capital account would mean a weaker rupee. It might even attract more capital inflows.

Snapdeal是印度最大的在线零售商之一,该公司出售的商品已有数百种,如今又新增了卢比纸币。Snapdeal, one of India's biggest online retailers 1, has added rupee notes to the hundreds of products it already offers.

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印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪因决定禁止500及1000卢比纸币流通而引起了轩然大波。Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, has an economic firestorm on his hands following his decision to ban the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes.

像中国的迈瑞公司和印度的拓尔思公司都服务于国内市场,包括大量支付人民币和美元的用户。Companies such as China’s Mindray and India’s TRS serve home markets that include vast numbers of people for whom every yuan or rupee counts.

印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪因决定禁止500及1000卢比纸币流通而引起了轩然大波。Narendra a Modi, Prime Minister of India, has an economic firestorm on his hands following his decision to ban the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes.