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地拉那完全陷入无政府状态。Tirana is in total anarchy.

世界呈现出一片混乱。Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

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但谁又能说不走常规就等于混乱呢?But who said unconventionality equals anarchy?

我的这个行业如今是彻底的乱世。I’m in a business where there’s complete anarchy.

任何割让那些权利的体制都将导致政治混乱。Any system that cedes those rights will lead to anarchy.

而且你会发现现在的绘画根本没有所谓的标准。And yet we find a complete anarchy of standards in painting.

自组织团队的概念不意味着无政府状态。The concept of self-organizing teams does not imply anarchy.

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州长的唯一关心是自己被困在暴乱中的女儿。Tancredi’s only priority is his daughter, trapped in the anarchy.

波尔,我的童年是在慕尼黑兵荒马乱的内战中终结的。Bohr, my childhood in Munich came to an end in anarchy and civil war.

太多的自我管理会导致混乱并可能会毁了一个团队。Too much self-management leads to chaos and anarchy and destroys a team.

但斯特伦克夫人并无意干涉这种无政府的天性。But Mrs. Strunk has no intention of interfering with the anarchy of nature.

我打电话到一些比较大的新闻编辑部,发现它们似乎都陷入了无政府状态。The big newsrooms that I called seemed to be in a state of productive anarchy.

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十个世纪以前一个漫游者引发了另一场政治动乱。Ten centuries before that Wanderlust would have led to another outbreak of anarchy.

由于邻国巴基斯坦盛行的无政府状态使得这个任务变得尤其困难。The task is made especially difficult by the anarchy that prevails in neighboring Pakistan.

日日有人谋划暗杀我,将国家逼向动乱和恐怖。Each new day brings another plot to assassinate me and bring us closer to anarchy and terror.

政府对于这种缺乏秩序的基因测定市场深恶痛绝,其中又以美国政府为甚,该国政府正在考虑对基因测定市场进行监管。Governments hate this sort of anarchy and America’s, in particular, is considering regulation.

在黎明高中影响下平民中学后来也成为安那其运动的运动堡垒。Pinmin High School affected by Liming Senior High School was the fortress of Anarchy Movement.

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正如用户们自豪地夸耀的那样,因特网已然是全世界最大的有效运转的无政府组织。The Internet is, as its users are proud to boast, the largest functioning anarchy in the world.

从建构主义的角度分析无政府状态下一国外交政策应有三种不同取向。The article analyzes three different policy tropisms under anarchy in the view of constructionism.

无政府下的合作〉,普林斯顿大学出版,1986年。Axelrod, Robert, and Robert, Keohane. "Cooperation Under Anarchy. " Princeton University Press, 1986.