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这幅图就是一个移情的好例子。Here is a good illustration of somebody in anticipatory pain.

就在那个时候,我被诊断出患有预想性焦虑失调症。During that time I was diagnosed with anticipatory anxiety disorder.

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就在那个时候,我被诊断出患有预想性焦虑失调症。During this time I was diagnosed with anticipatory anxiety disorder.

预期的紧张往往比你将面对的实际感受糟糕。Anticipatory anxiety is often worse than the actual experience you'll face.

另外,亨利说,国防部的决策者还懂得了"采取预期措施的好处。Pentagon planners also have learned “the benefit of anticipatory measures,” Henry said.

上述三种原料喷气纱的单纱强度均达到了预期的目标。The air-jet yarn strength of these three kinds material has attained the anticipatory aim.

最终,弥尔顿完善了这份伟大职业的,预期的解说逻辑的框架。Finally, Milton has revised and undone the anticipatory logic of the great career narrative.

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最终,弥尔顿完善了这份伟大职业的,预期的解说逻辑的框架。Finally, Milton has revised and undone the anticipatory logic of the great career narrative.

预期违约制度原是英美法系的特有制度。Anticipatory breach of contract was originally a peculiar part of Anglo-American legal system.

预期违约制度与当今社会法律所追求的公正、效益、安全价值目标密切相关。Resounding with system of anticipatory breach of contract in Anglo-American genealogy of laws.

一旦控制呕吐的策略得到改进,则期待性呕吐的频率也随之下降。As strategies for controlling emesis have improved, the frequency of anticipatory emesis has decreased.

第一部分阐述CISG关于预期违约构成要件的规定。In the first part, it expounds the constructive conditions of the system of anticipatory breach in CISG.

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我国合同立法对英美法系的预期违约制度的关注和借鉴由来已久。My contract legislation law of anticipatory breach of contract system and draw on a long-standing concern.

每个页面显示一个整齐的框架图,补充这一预期故事的进展。Each page displays a neatly framed illustration that complements the progression of this anticipatory story.

文章分析了预期违约的含义、构成要件、救济办法。This paper makes an analysis of the meaning, component parts and remedies of anticipatory breaking a contract.

预期违约制度是一项从英美判例基础上发展起来的英美现代合同法的重要制度。Anticipatory breach is one of the important systems in the modern Anglo-American contract law based on the case law.

在这封给迪奥达蒂的信里我们又一次看到,弥尔顿的预言性描述正拉开他事业的帷幕。The letter to Diodati gives us another glimpse of the anticipatory narrative that Milton is sketching for his career.

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给迪奥达蒂的信让我们再一次瞥见了米尔顿是如何野心勃勃的计划他的诗歌生涯的。The letter to Diodati gives us another glimpse of the anticipatory narrative that Milton is sketching for his career.

比如说,在一场大规模的演示会之前觉得有压力时,就会有许多预想中的谈话,相当于一场实地预演。When the pressure's on before, say, a big presentation, there's a lot of anticipatory conversation -- a stress rehearsal.

以最高水平的效力服务客户意识着不仅仅是响应,而是提早预期。Serving customers at the highest level of effectiveness means far more than being responsive, it means being anticipatory.