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现实扭曲引力场。A reality distortion field.

然而历史事实不容歪曲。But history tolerates no distortion.

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这滋润了有些失真。This softens the distortion somewhat.

这种作用就称为谐波畸变。The effect is termed harmonic distortion.

这是不容歪曲的事实。It is a fact which tolerates no distortion.

免提通话有点扭曲了。Speakerphone calls had a bit of distortion.

这是不合圣经的,对真理的扭曲。It is an unbiblical distortion of the truth.

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最终,性上瘾症是对自身的曲解。Ultimately, sex addiction is a distortion of the self.

超低失真的极端声压级。Ultra-low distortion at extreme sound pressure levels.

那个RFA根本就是对中国FDA报告的曲解。That RFA story is a distortion of the China FDA report.

他后来指责记者有意歪曲事实并带有偏见。He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias.

非真相或扭曲导致能量成弯曲形或螺旋形。Non-truth or distortion causes energy to curve or spiral.

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害螨是常见的,并且还造成叶片扭曲。Spider mites are common and also cause foliar distortion.

和目标值比较几乎总会导致失真。Measuring against targets almost always causes distortion.

什么?很有意思啊。现在,恶搞是大行其道啊。What? It sounds funny. Mischievous distortion is on its way.

然而与党的关系只是对中国市场的一个扭曲而已。But party connections are only one market distortion in China.

其他的扭曲关系到消费者必须花钱多少。The other distortion concerns how much consumers have to spend.

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排队过程包含很低的扭曲的正弦波。Alignment fields consist of very low distortion sinusoidal waves.

文中叙述了偏转线圈光栅失真的分析方法。An analysis method of DY Raster distortion is described in detail.

这个m文件产生了失真信号。These m-files are generic implementation of distortion of signals.