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那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。There is much forage for the cattle.

牛和羊依靠草料喂养。Cows and sheep depends forage to feed.

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苜蓿是家畜的一种重要饲草作物。Alfalfa is an important forage for livestock.

露营者去搜寻柴木点火。The camper go forage for wood to make a fire.

可以种植饲料类作物,比如四叶草和苜蓿。Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.

欧洲植物,花黄色,用于饲料。Yellow flowered European lupine cultivated for forage.

欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops.

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本文综述了近红外光谱技术在粗饲料领域的研究现状。The utilization of NIRS in the forage field was reviewed.

牛会把草根吃掉,这样会损害饲料作物。Cattle can damage forage crops by eating down to the roots.

在早春温暖气候下,它们就可以采集花蜜了。Good weather in early spring allowed them to forage for nectar.

可以用剩饭喂养它们,它们还可以自己外出找食。Instead they can subsist on leftovers and whatever they forage.

研究A3细胞质在饲草高粱育种上的利用。The development of the A3 cytoplasm in forage sorghum breeding.

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这在干草原和草甸干草原地区是一块好饲料草地。This is a good forage grass in steppe and meadow steppe regions.

说明茄子皮可作为一种饲料资源进行利用。So eggplant husk could be utilized as a kind of forage resources.

草白蚁科常称为草料蚁,是一种半沙漠种。The Hodotermitidae are a semi-desert species known as forage ants.

饲料粉碎机是饲料机械中应用最为广泛的一种机械。Forage disintegrator is machinery widely used in the forage machine.

乔根森博士说,可能是去交配、觅食,甚至只是为了被“看到”。Dr Jorgensen said it could be to mate, forage or even just be "seen".

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牧草种子质量直接影响牧草的产草量。The quality of forage seed directly influences the forage production.

粉碎这类粗饲料应以剪切和搓擦为主。To shatter this kind of forage depends mainly on cutting and rubbing.

红三叶是一种利用价值很高的牧草。Trifolium pretense is a kind of forage grass that of high utilization value.