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她每天通勤于芝加哥和罗克福德之间。She commutes between Chicago and Rockford every day.

他扮演一个在罗克福德体能训练约翰尼马修斯教授。He played a physical training professor Johnny Matthews in Rockford.

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纳格什已经供认,罗克福德部分是从他的童年自传。Nagesh has confessed that Rockford is part autobiographical from his childhood.

斯特林美国伊利诺斯州西北部一城市,位于罗克福德西南部。它是一个工业中心。人口15,132。A city of northwest Illinois southwest of Rockford. It is an industrial center. Population, 15, 132.

“大家知道他有超凡的魅力,”在罗克福德居住了50多年的贝莎。麦克温说。We know he's got the charisma, " says Bertha McEwing, who has lived in Rockford for more than 50 years."

雕塑底座刻有罗克福德的200年外来的移民和殖民短期历史。The sculpture base is engraved with a short course historical of 200 years of immigration and settlement in Rockford.

伊利诺斯北部一城市,位于洛克福德市西南偏南,建于830年,是制造业中心。人口5,44。A city of northern Illinois south-southwest of Rockford. Founded in 830, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 5,44.

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伊利诺斯西北部一城市,位于马克福德西部。第二轮林肯一道格拉斯辩论于858年在此地展开。人口25,840。A city of northwest Illinois west of Rockford. The second Lincoln-Douglas debate occurred here in 858. Population, 25,840.

伊利诺斯北部一城市,位于洛克福德市西南偏南,建于1830年,是制造业中心。人口15,144。A city of northern Illinois south-southwest of Rockford. Founded in 1830, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 15,144.

伊利诺斯西北部一城市,位于马克福德西部。第二轮林肯一道格拉斯辩论于1858年在此地展开。人口25,840。A city of northwest Illinois west of Rockford. The second Lincoln-Douglas debate occurred here in 1858. Population, 25,840.

“在看过电视上所有让人吃惊的场面之后,我感到他的演讲令人欣慰,”罗克福特注册之星政治栏目的编辑乔克。It's such a relief after all the screaming you see on TV, " says Chuck Sweeny , political editor of the Rockford Register Star."

那里还有州际公路沿线的主干光缆,穿越了罗克福德,顺着I-88布放的光缆,因此这使我们得以建造一个面向未来的高度互联的通信网络。There’s also major fiber that follows the interstates, up through Rockford and along I-88, so that has enabled us to build a highly connected communication network of the future.

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它还参观了建于西安中心的一座汉胜公司投资兴建的新工厂,这是一家在罗克福德市有着大量业务的企业。He's also here to visit a new factory in the central Chinese city of Xi'an invested by Hamilton Sundstrand, a subsidiary of United Technologies that has a large presence in Rockford.

它还参观了建于西安中心的一座汉胜公司投资兴建的新工厂,这是一家在罗克福德市有着大量业务的企业。He's also here to visit a new factory in the central Chinese city of Xi’an invested by Hamilton Sundstrand, a subsidiary of United Technologies that has a large presence in Rockford.