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孟山都公司制造草甘磷作物。The Monsanto Company makes Roundup Ready crops.

牛仔在赶拢的牲口群中给100头小牛打烙印。The cowboys branded a hundred calves in the roundup.

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而且,所有的抗草甘磷作物只需要一种除草剂。Yes, only one herbicide is needed for all Roundup Ready crops.

上周,我们做了一辑创意十足的信息图综述。Last week, we had a roundup of some very creative infographics.

另一本在1975年出版的书也关注了玛雅历法中的轮回。Another book in 1975 also spotlighted the Maya calendric roundup.

让达普的开发主要是为了应用在转基因农作物上。Roundup has been developed for use with genetically engineered crops.

对除草剂产生抗体的杂草会毁坏一个农场里所有的抗草甘磷作物。Herbicide-resistant weeds could ruin all Roundup Ready crops on a farm.

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美国农业部相关部门对最常见的抗农达甜菜做出裁决。USDA agency ruled on the most popular variety of Roundup Ready sugar beets.

到那时候,记得要仔细读读25个社交媒体营销诀窍的综述博文哦。Until then, be sure to read this roundup of 25 social media marketing tips.

我们还有从纽约街头到威尼托大街带来的有关选举的新闻摘要。We'll also have an election roundup from the streets of New York to the Via Veneto.

以下荟萃只是众多极富创意和艺术感的海报设计中的一部分。Here is a roundup of only a few of so many really creative and artistic poster designs.

当前摘要里有两本书是这种“带解说的源代码”类型的。Two of the books in the current roundup are in this source-code-with-commentary category.

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请查看病人全息治疗机、精神病激光治疗仪和其它治疗机械。See the holo- patient, the psychiatric laser, and the rest of our roundup of healing machines.

一些将在冰岛北部的年度综合报告赶到马鸟瞰图。An aerial view of some horses that will be herded during the annual roundup in Northern Iceland.

就像广泛种植的抗农达大豆一样,这样的藻可以抵抗农达除草剂。Like the widely grown Roundup Ready soybeans, these algae are resistant to the herbicide Roundup.

先正达公司也将许可一项孟山都公司的“抗农达”技术,增加大豆的产量。Syngenta will also license one of Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" technologies for increasing soybean yield.

这些甜菜都有一些产生于实验室中的新的基因,这可使它们抵抗除草剂的损害。The beets have a new gene, created in the laboratory, which allows them to tolerate the weedkiller Roundup.

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这篇综述阐述了创建一个私有云的一些关键因素。This roundup provides a high-level view of some of the key ingredients for creating a private cloud solution.

科学家发现抗草甘膦除草剂转基因作物的负面影响。有机与非转基因报告。2010年1月。Scientist finding many negative impacts of Roundup Ready GM crops. The Organic and Non-GMO Report. January 2010.

上周,我们对雪景摄影作了集萃,并曾提到冬季可是一个不容低估的季节。Last week, we had a roundup of snow photography and have mentioned that winter is not a season to be underestimated.