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喜欢,给你加为精华!Like, add quintessence for you!

事实上只是一副口罩的精髓。It is, in fact, the quintessence of a mask.

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这就是他的快乐的精华。This was the quintessence of pleasure for him.

这就是他的快乐的精华。This paragraph is the quintessence of the article.

是真实世界的缩影,也是精华和本质的东西。It's a microcosm. It is a distillation or quintessence.

哲学是真正时代精神的精华。Philosophy is the quintessence of the real spirit of the times.

中国灯笼,中国福文化精髓的承载者。Chinese lantern, blessed the quintessence of Chinese culture the load.

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面罩共鸣被称为美声唱法的精髓和关键。Above-head resonating is called quintessence and key in bel conto singing.

但是,由我看来,这尘垢的精华又算得什么?The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

社区的主体是人,社区的精髓是人,社区的发展是为了人。The subject of community is people. The quintessence of community is people.

茶文化是中国的“国粹”、“国饮”。Tea culture is known as quintessence of Chinese traditional drinking culture.

其独具诱惑之处,在于采用了妙趣又颇具现代感的走珠式设计,便于涂抹。It is the quintessence of seduction, with its fun and modern roll-on applicator.

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结交智能之士如同读一本好书,从中萃取最精华的智慧。Such ministering spirits distil the best books and serve up the quintessence of wisdom.

习语是语言的精华,其间蕴含着丰富的文化内涵与民族特色。Idioms are the quintessence of a language, and it is culture-loaded and full of ethnicity.

艺术歌曲这一声乐体裁是罗忠镕音乐创作之精华。Art song, a kind of vocal music genre, is the quintessence of Luo Zhongrong's music creation.

先秦道家思想里有大量的精华被时间湮没,有待后人去发掘。There is abundant quintessence of Pre-Qin Taoist thoughts lost in time waiting for discovery.

他潜心钻研传统,却能“换去毛咕”,独存精华。He concentrates on the tradition, but can " change the hair clucked " , stores quintessence alone.

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宇宙之华,万物之灵,但对于我,这尘土的精华又算得了什么?The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

画贵有诗意,自宋以来成为风气,优秀的国粹我们必须传承。Draw your poetic, since the Song Dynasty as a whole, we must inherit the quintessence of excellence.

“和谐”是中国传统文化的核心理念和根本精神,望州南精神体现出的和谐是中国文化精髓的集中体现。The harmony in the spirit of"Wangzhounan"is the main embodiment of the quintessence of Chinese culture.