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甚至没有装饰的口罩销售也在增加。Even unadorned masks are selling.

他的作品朴实无华,非常动人。His works were simple , unadorned and very moving.

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玉山神学院那鲁湾合唱团是在纯净朴质的天然环境下孕育而成的。The Naruwan Chorus of Yushan Seminary is cultivated in a surrounding of unadorned nature.

她在前几季更倾向于清晰的轮廓和素的面料。Castiglioni, who has leaned toward sharp silhouettes and unadorned fabrics for the past few seasons.

荷兰人将鲱鱼腌起来,然后直接当零食吃,或者配着小面包、洋葱、腌黄瓜当午饭。They're pickled, then served unadorned as snacks or in soft buns with onions and gherkins for lunch.

一个单纯的20岁年轻人,来自从清迈的一个小镇。A plain 20 years old teenager from a rural town of Chiangmai, was then just another unadorned contestant.

他们都将自己的生活做在作品里,或单纯而直接,或破碎而质朴。They all place their life in their works, some simple and immediate, while some fragmented and unadorned.

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这使得原本鞋的外侧更多的自由,从而更好的贴合脚型。This gives the unadorned outer side of the shoe more freedom to conform to the shape of the wearer's foot.

如今它面向世界,原原本本地、更是无须赘述地向世人展示着那些死者的头发、鞋子和其它遗物。It now unfolds, unadorned and mostly unexplained, in displays of hair, shoes and other remains of the dead.

软件工程的观念、方法、策略和规范都是朴实无华的,关键在于运用。The idea, method and strategy and norms of software engineering are simple and unadorned and the key is to use.

庄子是我国战国时期的宋国人,生活非常简朴。Master Zhuang is a common people of Song in the Warring States times of China. His life is very simple and unadorned.

而那个线条圆润的竹筐,就更让人感觉到这处卫生间的朴实无华。And the bamboo basket with that fruity line, more those who let a person feel this is in toilet is simple and unadorned.

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所有的氛围是由德雷克朴实有力的吉他和萦绕于心的声音营造出来,充满着不确定的情绪。any atmosphere created came from the unadorned power of Drake's guitar and haunting vocals, filled with tremulous emotion.

韩国农村多山,在崎岖的、浑然天成的峭壁之间的小峡谷里,点缀着一些村庄。The Korean countryside is quite mountainous, with villages in the little stretches of valleys between the rugged, unadorned crags.

然后,友谊的重要性和自我保护被告知在白雪公主这也是一个朴实和警示的童话故事。Then, the importance of friendship and self-protection are told in Snow White which is also an unadorned and admonitory fairy story.

一旦政治家们发现推特上的所有的东西都很公开,他们就不愿再提供不加渲染的事实,至少是针对普通的选民。Once politicians understand that everything is public, they are much less likely to offer the unadorned truth, at least to ordinary voters.

但奈特不喜欢这本书里朴实无华的对话,他认为对话可能让海明威多费了一些笔墨。But Mr. Knight took exception to the book's unadorned dialogue, prose that he says might have used a bit more narration from Mr. Hemingway's pen.

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化石中无冠的头骨支持了达尔文翼龙两性异性的假设,即雄性独有一个骨质的莫西干状的冠。Her unadorned skull lends support to the hypothesis that Darwinopterus displayed sexual dimorphism, with males sporting a bony Mohawk-like crest.

康沃尔公爵夫人和夫人装束都很自然,卡米拉身穿海军蓝百褶裙,而劳拉穿得是做工考究的黄褐色礼服。The duchess and the first lady both chose unadorned suits, Camilla's of navy blue with a kick-pleated skirt, Laura Bush's in tan and more tailored.

也正是这些灿若群星的仁人志士和勤劳朴实的焦作人民,成就了焦作悠久的历史文化和灿烂的文明。It is also those numerous persons with lofty ideals and hard-working and unadorned Jiaozuo people that make long historical culture and splendid civilization.