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我们面临许多问题。We got problems galore.

这个城市有很多书店。There are book-shop galore in this town.

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这里有大量的受欢迎的剧场、电视节目和报纸。There would be popular theatre, TV and newspapers galore.

大杂物房和橱柜,可通到两个车库。Large utility room with cabinets galore and access to 2-car garage.

房间里都是赞同的低语声和许多其他的问题讨论。There are murmurs of assent around the room, and other problems galore.

有各类丰富的活动能够参加。女士们在跳扇子舞。There's activities galore to participate in. Fan dancing for the ladies.

美国培养出来的专业人士们发现远东机会大好。U. S. -trained professionals discovering opportunities galore in the Far East.

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幻灯片条理清晰,并配以大白兔以及彩虹的图片。There were bullet points galore.Complete with photos of fluffy white rabbits and rainbows.

幻灯片条理清晰,并配以大白兔以及彩虹的图片。There were bullet points galore. Complete with photos of fluffy white rabbits and rainbows.

上述十个免费矢量图库站能提供你大量的选择范围以用于你的项目。The above ten free vector stock image websites will give you options galore for your projects.

丰富的锯曲线机就像真实锯曲线机一样玩传统的、漂亮地显示的片形状。Jigsaws Galore plays just like a real jigsaw with traditional, beautifully rendered piece shapes.

一个曾经人们穿着中山装,骑着自行车的地方,看到现在的普拉达,宝马,和iPhone。Where people once wore Mao suits and rode bicycles, there are now Prada, BMW, and iPhones galore.

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有一个公司计划在未来到太空建一个充气式的太空娱乐城堡。One company's idea for the future sounds as though there's going to be bouncy astro-castles galore.

全国过渡委员会里律师成群,可商人只有两个,军人少得都数的清,而伊斯兰教徒更是寥寥无几。The council has lawyers galore but only two businessmen, a handful of military men, and few Islamists.

在宽敞的内部包括一个羊毛内衬,笔记本电脑加垫套和拉链口袋富安组织者。The roomy interior includes a fleece-lined, padded laptop sleeve and zippered organizer pockets galore.

突然,这台仪器开始大量获取从月球流出的高速氢原子的信号。Suddenly, the instrument started picking up signals galore from high-speed hydrogen atoms streaming from the moon.

我们在亚洲游戏展现场进行拍摄,那里展示着大量最新的游戏,游戏手柄和玩具。We were shooting at the Asian Gaming Show which showcases new up and coming video games, consoles, and toys galore.

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逊威斯康辛州的参议院议员盖洛德纳尔号召巨大的抗议反对污染和其他威胁。Senator Galore Nathan Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin called for a huge protest against pollution and other frizz threats.

这个布丁人缘看起来是用不锈钢的处所,灯火通明、镜子、大理石、柜台铬。The Puddings Galore look is brightly-lit premises, with stainless steel counters, mirrors and marble and chrome finishes.

是的,奥秘就大量的存在于这3磅重的大脑上,直到最近,科学家还缺少技术设备来精确的研究大脑。As it is, mysteries galore abound in those 3 pounds, and until fairly recently, scientists lacked the equipment to accurately study the brain.