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河边疏疏落落有几棵柳树。The river was sparsely lined with willow trees.

疏疏雪片,散入溪南苑。Sparsely flakes, scattered into the River South Garden.

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草本约1厘米高,疏生或近无毛。Herbs ca. 1 cm tall, sparsely short hispid or subglabrous.

山上有稀疏的灌木和树覆盖。The mountains are sparsely covered with shrubbery and trees.

花梗果时长约13厘米,仅于先端硫被刚毛。Pedicel ca. 13 cm at fruiting, only apically sparsely setose.

圆锥花序分枝下部的平滑的或疏生粗糙的有棱。Panicle branches proximally smooth or sparsely scabrid angled.

埃及有丰富的土地,但大部分是地广人稀。Egypt has plenty of land, but much of it is sparsely inhabited.

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王女士的家几乎没有装修,并且还在用烧柴火的方式取暖。Wang, 33, whose sparsely furnished home is heated by a wood stove.

小枝和花序轴疏生短柔毛或者被微柔毛。Branchlets and inflorescence rachis sparsely pubescent or puberulent.

纳米比亚是世界上人口最稀少的国家之一。Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world.

在赤道地区其植物叶片大而薄,并被以稀毛。Plants from equatorial regions have large, thin sparsely hairy leaves.

一些建筑稀落地耸立在黑暗里,被茂盛的树木掩护着。In the dark rise sparsely some buildings, screened① by the luxuriant trees.

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茎和具糙伏毛幼枝疏生柔毛,在节上的密被糙伏毛。Stem and young branches sparsely pilose-strigose, densely strigose on nodes.

只有在人口稀少的农业社会,才可以对此置之不理。Only in a sparsely -populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.

不过他家里不如朱云翠和尹华军布置得舒适,没有沙发,只稀疏摆着一张桌子和角落里的双层床。It is sparsely furnished, with a desk but no sofa and bunk beds in the corner.

取消绑定模式还适用于类似于电子表格的表或稀疏填充的表。Unbound mode is also suited for spreadsheet-like or sparsely populated tables.

这些沙土飞扬、盖着厚厚白雪的荒原连接着茫茫的戈壁,人烟稀少。These sandy, snow-strewn wastelands bordering the Gobi desert are sparsely populated.

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走在宽阔的道路上,稀稀落落的路人都在都在为自己的生活奔波着。Walking in the wide road, sparsely passers-by are all rushing forward for their own lives.

山腰里的寥落松柏也似乎看得清楚了。The pine trees and cypresses, sparsely dotted on the hillside, seem to be clearer in sight.

这是阿拉斯加这个地广人稀的州不到两个星期里发生的第三起坠机事件。This is the third plane crash in less than two weeks in the large, sparsely populated state.