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他们甚至都没有看一眼讨厌的DVD。They did not even look at the offending DVD.

你总是出言不逊得罪人。You are always abusing and offending people.

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这个小职员不敢得罪他的老板。The petty clerk was afraid of offending his boss.

他怕得罪神多于怕得罪人。He fears offending Him more than giving offense to man.

此时此刻,人们正张惶失措。People very much offending from themselves at the moment.

他有信口开河的毛病,无意中得罪了不少人。He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people.

绊人犯规犯规队被判罚10码开外的点球。Tripping results in a 10-yard penalty against the offending team.

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当您选择任务时,存在错误的节点将被突出显示。When you select the task, the offending node will be highlighted.

裁判出示绿牌表示警告犯规球员。For warning an offending player, the umpire shows him a green card.

这番冒犯性的话实际上是一名观众的诘难。The offending comment was in fact a heckle from an audience member.

要冒犯三个这般的全知存在,那前景让我神经兮兮。The prospect of offending three such omniscient beings made me nervous.

遵照为隔离,清除违规档案。Follow the instructions for quarantining and removing the offending files.

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而特朗普几乎没有哪句话是不冒犯某个少数族裔的。Mr Trump can barely finish a sentence without offending some ethnic group.

为伊拉克而得罪美国,不符合他们的国家利益啊。Offending United States because of Irq is not in their national interests.

先用溶剂清洗接触物表面,然后再用酒精清洗并烤干。Solvent wash offending material, followed by alcohol rinse and post bakes.

相反,这家电台更为担心的是不要触怒政府。Indeed, the station seems more concerned with not offending the government.

一旦某个目标被找到,触犯天条的博客或论坛便被阻塞上几分钟。When they find one, the offending blog or chat can be blocked within minutes.

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当用户双击其中的错误项时,编辑器就会打开有问题的文件。When the user double-clicks an entry, the editor opens with the offending file.

尽管已经对违例产业采取了联邦行动,环保仍任重而道远。Despite federal actions against the offending industries, much remains to be done.

然而,那份资料显示性犯罪者会在万圣节前后犯案说明了什么?And yet, what do the data show about sex offenders offending on or around Halloween?