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什么区位因素是必不可少的?What locational factors are essential?

世界经济发展格局中存在着区位条件的差异。There are locational differences in the development of world economy.

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而这些都归功于燕郊的地理位置和区位优势。These are attributed to the geographical location and locational advantages Town.

如果没有这些要求,政府只要想要,随时都能得到这些定位记录。Without this requirement, the government can get locational data pretty much anytime it wants.

通过区位商数和分离指数的计算分析,揭示了未来土地利用方式的时空变化趋势。The trend of land use structure is analyzed by calculating locational quotient and segregation index.

位置隐私指的是这样一种期望,即作为普通公民,我们的所在位置不应受到监控。Locational privacy refers to the expectation that as regular citizens our whereabouts are not being monitored.

户口使每个公民在出生时就被打上了“城里人“和”农村人“的烙印,可以称其为一种地域上的种族隔离制度。Under hukou, every citizen is assigned a status—urban or rural—upon birth, creating a kind of locational apartheid.

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美国PJM等电力市场均采用节点电价的计算方法。In some of American Electricity Markets, such as PJM, the clearing price is determined by Locational Marginal Pricing.

公司位于经济发达的长三角中心地区,具有得天独厚的地理优势。The company is located at the center of the economically developed Yangtze Delta and enjoys exceptional locational advantages.

目的探讨利用超声普通线阵探头引导进行细针穿刺细胞学检查的准确性及定位技巧。Objective To study the accuracy and the locational skills of the fine needle biopsy via ultrasound-guided common linear array probe.

最后给出了一个双寡头电力库市场算例,结果表明新指标能综合发电厂商的横向市场势力和位置性市场势力。The calculation results show that the new indices can reflect both the horizontal and the locational market power of the generators.

来自埃及的职业教师和管理者也能通过这一计划接受专业的职业学习。Locational Vocational school teachers and its administrators from Egypt can also receive professional development through the program.

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利用1997-2006年我国分省区分年度数据,实证分析劳动力质量对外商直接投资区位选择的影响。This paper tries to reveal the impacts of labor quality on the locational choice of foreign direct investment into China under new backgrounds.

根据机床专用夹具定位误差的定义,论述了定位误差的来源、本质、特点和常用分析计算方法。The origin, essence, feature and analysis of the locational error are discussed in accordance with the definition of the locational error of jigs.

其中,第三部分从城市外部出发,分析论证了名城张掖的自然环境和区位环境特征,从而建立起了城市的外围概念。In the third part of this paper, the author analyses the natural and locational environment of Zhangye and sets up the periphery concept of the city.

石油和天然气开采业的区位商值为40.59,显示了资源型城市的特点。The locational quotient result of petroleum and natural gas exploitation industry is 40.59, which reveals the characteristics of resource-oriented cities.

在EFF这份名叫“如何防止失去位置隐私”的报告中,使用加密技术来保证匿名是非常简单的。According to the report "On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever", it's fairly easy to use cryptographic techniques to ensure your anonymity.

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在印度阳光明媚的西方具有显著区位优势——可持续建筑的声明,因为这毕竟减少了空调的使用。A significant locational advantage in India's sunny west – and a statement for sustainable construction, as this, after all, reduces the use of air conditioners.

伴随着启东经济的突飞猛进以及区位优势的日益凸显,越来越多的老外选择来启东工作、生活,甚或在启东安家落户。With the growing economy and locational advantages, more and more foreigners are choosing to work and live in Qidong , and some even selected to make homes here.

太原文化底蕴深厚,旅游资源类型多样、层次丰富、品位突出,旅游交通便捷,区位优势明显,素有“锦绣太原城”之美誉。Taiyuan has been called the "Fairview Taiyuan City" for its profound cultural heritage, varies tourism resources, tourist traffic convenience and locational advantages.