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她的父母从来没有进行过逾越节晚餐。Her parents never had a Seder.

现在他在mvslive.com联合主持每日视频节目“马龙V赛德”。He now co-hosts the daily video show Maron v Seder at

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犹太人过以逾越节家宴来庆祝逾越节。Jews traditionally observe Passover with a feast known as a Seder.

而与埃弗顿的默西塞德德比大战将更为精彩。But Everton's silent west Seder the Derby war will be more splendid.

Spago从1984年开始在南加利福尼亚举行家宴。or at Spago, which has held a Seder in Southern California since 1984.

是的,你成了上层名流妻子,我只能到家宴上去当服务员。丹,等一下。Yes. You're the wife of the landed gentry, And I'm a cater waiter at a seder. Dan, wait.

朋友们,家宴马上就要开始了。丹,我想告诉你我真的很抱歉。My friends, it's time for the seder to begin. Dan, uh, I need you to know that I'm really sorry.

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在2006年罗宾·巴尼斯搬家到新奥尔良后,她跟朋友们开始在Domenica吃逾越节家宴。After Robin Barnes moved to New Orleans in 2006, she and her friends started having Seder at Domenica.

“如果你跟大型制药公司的人这么说,他们可能会说你疯了,”Seder说。"If you talk to people in a large pharmaceutical company about it, they would say you are nuts, " Seder says.

当维多利亚·赫曼的祖父在2005年去世的时候,她家族中逾越节晚餐的传统就随之中断了。WHEN Victoria Herrmann’s grandparents died in 2005, her family’s Passover Seder tradition passed away with them.

逾越节的筵席、祝谢过的饼和倒出来的酒成了救赎的象徵。The Passover Seder 's broken and blessed bread and the outpoured and blessed wine became the symbols of salvation.

这跟皮下注射给药的差别实在是惊人,霍夫曼说。The difference with injection into the skin is "staggering, " Hoffman says. "It was an 'aha' moment, " Seder adds.

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周五通常有至少有一个在上午逾越节,学习与非结构化下午时间表。Fridays there is usually at least one seder in the morning, with unstructured learning schedules for the afternoon.

于是他们在1994年也提出免疫突触是免疫细胞与其他细胞沟通连接点的想法。Seder resurrected the idea that the immune synapse is the communicating junction between immune cells and other cells.

但是,虽然不够传统了,如果想要有节日家庭氛围的越来越多的普通犹太人发现饭店家宴价格更为合理。But increasingly, less traditional, more secular Jews who want a festive family feeling are finding that a restaurant Seder fits the bill.

但是去年,逾越节是在星期三开始的,她合男朋友生活在纽约,甚至都没能去参加他家里的逾越节晚餐,因为那是在马里兰州举行的。But last year, when Passover began midweek, she and her boyfriend, who live in New York, couldn’t even go to his family’s Seder because it was held in Maryland.

瑟得。波克,以色列----新能源经常出现短缺现象,人们也不能总依赖它。但随着当今日渐完善的储存科技,它也变成了基本能源的代替品。SEDER BOQER, Israel — Renewable energy is often intermittent and unreliable, but with the right storage technology, it can become a substitute for baseline power.

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而赛前利物浦名宿托米。史密斯接受采访时也预测默西塞德德比大战将成为基恩的“翻身之战”。But before the game Liverpool famous elder Tormey. Smith accepts when the interview also forecast that silent west Seder the Derby war will become Kean "war of the turning over".