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保姆是个魔女。Matron is a sorceress.

我们刚刚将魔女降服。We just exorcise the sorceress.

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巫婆说,指著他们旁边的一棵树。The sorceress say point ats them side of a tree.

老女巫鬼鬼崇崇地走进来,冷冷一笑。The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile.

赞西莉亚是一名能与遥远的异界能量交流的人类术士。Zceryll was a mortal sorceress who communed with alien powers from the far realm.

“梯玛”的引申义是“女神”,它的前期任职是女巫。The extended meaning of "Tima"is"Goddess". It is regarded as a sorceress in early.

摩根是传说中的一位力量强大的女巫,她是亚瑟王同父异母的姐姐。A powerful sorceress in Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay is King Arthur's half-sister.

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无论是暗黑暗黑3向导和两个女巫的战斗中使用元素魔法。Both the Diablo 3 Wizard and Diablo two Sorceress use elemental magic in their battles.

美狄亚,希腊神话中性感美艳的女巫,走进皇庭。Medea, the sensual and ravishing sorceress of Greek mythology, enters the royal chambers.

但是,一个技术拙劣的女巫会用另外一种方法来使小美人鱼沉默。However, a less skilled sorceress could use a different method to silence a singing mermaid.

但是,这个称谓也用在塞蒂娜·沃贝克身上,她被称作“唱歌的魔法师”。However, the term is also used for Celestina Warbeck, who is referred to as "The Singing Sorceress."

她这人是全国的人没一个不惧怕的,她早已使人人都相信她是个神通广大的妖妇了。She was held in awe by the whole realm, for she had made everybody believe she was a great sorceress.

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女巫技能射程从600提高至700,提高自动施放缓慢的频率。Sorceress acquisition range increased to 700 from 600, improving the frequency with which Slow is auto-cast.

你知道那条到新挖坑道的路吗?就是女巫要领一支军队去打上面世界的那条地道?。Do you know the way to those new diggings, by which the sorceress meant to lead out an army against Overland?

就是说,如果一个敌方女法师想在你被施加了魔法闪耀的骑士身上施加变羊法术的话,她就会马上挂掉。That means an enemy sorceress will kill herself instantly if she tries to cast polymorph on your mana flared knight.

在一个风景迷人的小岛上,时刻洋溢着阳光与鲜亮的色彩。The Enchanting Islands were filled with light and color until an evil sorceress spread darkness throughout the land.

由女巫所做的一切行动都是基于她的道德和她的动机,以恢复手无手争夺战的和平。All moves done by the Sorceress are based upon her ethics and her motive to restore peace without battling in hand to hand combat.

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小人鱼于是走出了花园,向一个掀起泡沫的漩涡走去——巫婆就住在它的后面。And then the little mermaid went out from her garden, and took the road to the foaming whirlpools , behind which the sorceress lived.

他们发现了去拉尼亚,这个在狮子的歌声中诞生的国家的路,遭遇了邪恶的女巫,最终返回了家园。They find their way to Narnia, newborn from the Lion's song, and encounter the evil sorceress Jadis, before they finally return home.

美狄亚科尔喀斯国的公主及女巫,她帮助伊阿宋取得了金黄色的羊毛织物,做了伊阿宋的妻子,又因伊阿宋的不忠诚而杀了他们的子女以图报复。A princess and sorceress of Colchis who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, lived as his consort, and killed their children as revenge for his infidelity.