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本博士八年来一直默默从事超感官知觉试验。Dr. Bem has been quietly testing extrasensory perception claims for 8 years.

假如你去问一位心理学家,他可能会说这是一种超感知觉,或者称之为“ESP”。If you asked a parapsychologist, he might say you have extrasensory perception, or ESP.

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心灵感应是一种超感官知觉,它可以通过现在科学未知的方法来获取信息。ESP is an extrasensory perception, able to gain information through use of a sense unknown by science.

因此参考生理指标的变动,可以确认特异功能的发生与否。It is therefore possible to identify the occurrence of extrasensory perception through the fluctuations of these indicators.

通灵之人自己的抱负和人民尽力帮助他们与他们的特异功能的有趣时刻的关系。Psychics have funny moments in relation to their visions and the people they try to help with their extrasensory perception.

作为多尔因星的人,昆天生拥有高度发达的超感觉器官,为他本来就强得可畏的绝地能力锦上添花。As a Dorin, Koon naturally possessed highly developed extrasensory organs that supplement his already formidable Jedi attributes.

其中更不寻常的记录是来自“星际之门”项目的文件,该项目涉及到了超能力和超感知觉。Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception.

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人体潜力是神秘和不可思议的,就象宇宙蕴藏着无穷尽的神秘力量和特异信息。The potential of human is mysterious and unimaginable just like the universe with exhaustless and occult power and extrasensory information.

它指一种人在事件发生前就可以通过超自然方式预知其信息的超感知觉。Precognition denotes a form of extrasensory perception wherein a person is said to perceive information about places or events through paranormal means before they happen.

巫师将直觉和许多其它能力和超感观的感知能力结合到一起,创造出一个内部的相互制衡的体系,以得到更多的精确的数据。The psychic incorporates intuition with many other skills and extrasensory perceptions that create an internal checks-and-balances system to obtain much more accurate readings.

威尔逊研究该项技术并不仅仅是为了发送超感官的邮件,其背后有着更深远的目标——帮助那些由于中风或者脊髓损伤而失去了沟通能力的人。Beyond extrasensory tweets, Wilson’s deeper ambition for the technology is to help people who have lost the ability to communicate, whether from a stroke or a spinal-cord injury.