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它是美国的精华。The Essence of America.

这就是希望的本质。This is the essence of hope.

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股道精华,实在股外!Track the essence it shares!

邪恶的本质是什么?What is the essence of evil?

新余精神的实质是城市精神。Its essence is the urban spirit.

婚约性质从本质上说应属一种契约。Affiance is a contract in essence.

此处是全园的精华。Here is the entire garden essence.

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这是爱国主义的精华。That is the essence of patriotism.

这就是我们困境的根本所在。Here is the essence of our dilemma.

洛可可风格的精髓就是明亮。The essence of Rococo art is light.

真实之美的本质是什么?What is the essence of true beauty?

恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口是非洲精粹。The crater is the essence of Africa.

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这种洗发露含有草本精华。This shampoo contains herbal essence.

肿瘤从本质上是基因病。Tumors are genic diseases in essence.

每个文件都包含有线性PCM精髓。Each file contains linear PCM essence.

格言是人类智慧的精华。Gnomes are an essence of human wisdom.

自信乃英雄主义的精髓。Self- trust is the essence of heroism.

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这就是功利主义的真谛。This is the essence of utilitarianism.

“渐”的本质是“时间”。Time" is the essence of "gradualness".

忘恩负义是卑劣的本质。Ingratitude is the essence of vileness.