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手锻工具包括各种形状的锻锤。Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers.

他做过各种工作,如杂役,木工,侍者等。He worked variously as a handyman , carpenter, and waiter.

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如道具功能、依倚功能、屏障掩映功能。"Langan" functions variously as prop, dependence and concealment.

粗糙的硬质塑料—五唱高调,软吹模具及面料环。Five variously textured hard plastic, soft blow-mold and fabric material rings.

现在市面上各种各样的辅导书很多,质量高低参差不齐。The book coachs variously on market now a lot of, quality discretion is uneven.

对不同酸性反应体系对甲壳素醯化反应的影响进行了研究。The effect of different conditions on variously acylated chitins is researched.

乔戈里峰在不同的时间里曾被描述成“令人敬畏的”“杀手”和“野蛮之峰”。K2 has variously been described as the "awesome", "killer" and "savage" mountain.

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这是经过精心修饰的谈论“瑞士模型”或遣返的力量。This is variously dressed up with talk of the "Swiss model" or of repatriating powers.

中国现在一方面被描绘成非洲经济的有力竞争者同时也是压迫者。China is now variously portrayed either as an economic competitor in africa or as its oppressor.

一种花期较晚的花园郁金香,有长茎,蛋形、颜色各异的花朵。A late-blooming type of garden tulip having long stems and egg-shaped, variously colored flowers.

在澳大利亚,人们对出身罪犯家庭的人的看法,已经在其民族意识中转变了好多次。Australia's convict origins have been variously written in and out of the national consciousness.

百合一种百合属植物,开各色,通常为。Any of various plants of the genus Lilium, having variously colored, often trumpet-shaped flowers.

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奥巴马以及他的团队已经不同程度地表示他们继续坚持50州战略。Obama and his team have variously indicated that they will continue to fund the 50-state strategy.

相反,音乐一直都是一处避难所,一种发自心灵深处的呐喊,和一种自由的象征。Instead music is variously a refuge, a cry from the heart, a flag of defiance and a token of freedom.

有些纸,表面的毛布纹是用不同纹理的毛布压向仍然是湿的纸上而成。In some papers, the felt finish is made by impressing still-wet paper with variously structured felts.

这一佛法世界被以不同的方式解释为涅槃前的法味,或者本质上就是涅槃。This Buddhic realm is variously construed as a foretaste of Nirvana, or as essentially Nirvana itself.

这是一种熟悉、忠诚的伴侣的爱,即众所周知的夫妻之爱。This is the love of familiar, committed partners, variously known as conjugal, married, or spousal love.

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罗丝草一种马先蒿属植物,有一簇簇不规则,不同颜色的花。Any of numerous plants of the genus Pedicularis, having clusters of irregular, variously colored flowers.

随着战场环境的日益复杂,无人机作战任务日益多样作战范围日益扩大。With the increasingly complex battlefield environment, the missions and the scope of the UCAV grow variously.

包括学者、持不同政见者、记者和商业高管在内的许多领域的人士曾被控违反保密法。The charge has been variously applied to academics, dissidents and journalists, as well as business executives.