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这种不同是因为什么呢?This dissimilarity because of why?

你看那月亮和大苑有什么不同?You see that moon and big Yuan have what dissimilarity?

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可是此刻的情势绝对不同了。But the situation at the moment is absolute dissimilarity.

美国英语和英国英语有什么不同?What dissimilarity do American English and Briticism have?

我想要认识来自不同国家的朋友。I want to know to come from a dissimilarity nation of friend.

你要了解生存与生活的不同吗?Do you want to understand the dissimilarity of existence and life?

别出心裁,绝不雷同,这是新凯骊产品的独特之道!Ingenuity and absolute dissimilarity characterize the product of Nkelly!

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如果相异指数分值在60分以上,种族隔离行为被认为是非常严重。A score above 60 on the dissimilarity index is considered very high segregation.

实验结果表明,该算法的规则丢失率和相异度均有所下降。Experimental results show that the algorithm has lower miss rate and dissimilarity.

这种基本的不同使两种机制的结合并不理想。This kind of basic dissimilarity make two kinds of mechanisms combine and ignore think.

纳粟数量与授官,因地区而有所不同。The quantity of selling with give the officer, have the dissimilarity because of the region.

随着海拔差的增加,群落相似性指数增加率也是不同的。The rate of community dissimilarity index increased with the increasing the altitude difference.

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我是闲人,而向兄不同,偌大的洪门,还要你支撑呢!I am a loiterer, but to elder brother dissimilarity , so big Hong door, also want you to prop up!

本人失恋多次,每一次失恋后的作的事情都不同。Oneself brokenhearted many times, every brokenhearted empress of make of affair all dissimilarity.

即使在XXX和YYY之间存在某些可以比较的地方,但也是风牛马不相及的。Even though there are some points of comparison between XXX and YYY, there is dissimilarity as well.

竹君的声音,与之前和沐小小说话时,似乎有些不同。The voice of bamboo gentleman, with previous with lave small novel words, appear some dissimilarity.

事件与故事之差异折射出发生认识论与能动反映论两种哲学观的分野。The differences of the event and the story reflect the dissimilarity of the two Schools of Philosophy.

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二者最主要的不同在于多数人不会将呕吐与愉快的感觉联系起来。The primary dissimilarity is that most people do not associate throwing-up with a pleasurable experience.

分别克隆后,其中四个序列在5’端与上述序列有很高的相似性,仅有2个碱基的差别。After DNA sequencing, the 5'end has relatively high similarity in four DNA fragments, just 2bp dissimilarity.

在商品经济条件下,由于所有制的不同,市民意识又具有特殊性。Under the condition of merchandise economy, it has particularity because of dissimilarity for ownership system.