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一个完整四次的多项式由15项组成。A complete quartic polynomial consists of 15 terms.

代数AQ叫做量子多项式代数。The algebra AQ is called a quantum polynomial algebra.

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最后给出了奇异形位表达式的多项式形式。A polynomial form of the singularity loci is also derived.

每个多项式都是可微的,而每个有理函数也是如此。Every polynomial is differentiable , and so is every rational.

此外,它还能精确表示双曲线。And hyperbolic polynomial curves can represent hyperbolas exactly.

逐段多项式法是一种新的反演重力资料的方法。Sectioned polynomial is a new method for gravity data inver- sion.

样条函数采用分段的多项式。The favorate spline function is polynomial in a segment of the domain.

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一个图G的亏格多项式表征了图G亏格的亏格分布情况。The genus distribution of a graph G is denoted by its genus polynomial.

分析了多项式曲线与样本点的误差。The errors between the polynomial curve and samples order were analyzed.

目的探讨多项式拟合曲线在临床中的应用。Objective To discuss the clinical application of polynomial curves fitting.

构造的曲面是分片双三次有理参数多项式曲面。This surface is a piecewise bi-cubic rational parametric polynomial surface.

常见的方法有多项式逼近,切比雪夫多项式逼近。The general methods are polynomial approximation and Chebyshev approximation.

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一个图G的亏格多项式表征了图G亏格的亏格分布情况。The genus polynomial for a graph G shows the genus distribution of the genus of G.

目的构造一维无阻尼铁磁链方程的多项式精确解。Aim To construct explicit and polynomial solutions of ferromagnetic chain equation.

随后又给出了几类插值多项式的局部近似空间。Subsequently we present local approximation spaces of some interpolation polynomial.

本文讨论了多项式微分的改进型最小二乘方法。The paper discusses the improved least square method for polynomial differentiation.

车辆调度问题是一个NP-难问题,不存在多项式时间算法。The vehicle scheduling problem is a NP-hard problem without polynomial time algorithm.

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提出了0-1多项式背包问题的一种新的精确算法。This paper proposes a rigorous algorithm for solving the 0-1 polynomial knapsack problem.

带有多项式基的径向点插值无网格方法是一种新的数值方法。Radial Piont Interpolation Meshless Method With Polynomial Basis is a new numerical method.

提出织物的二维悬垂曲线可用3-4次多项式曲线拟合。The fabric drape curves in two dimensions can be fitted to the 3-4 times polynomial curves.