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百夫长为甚麽对耶稣有信心?。Why did the centurion have faith in Jesus?

这个百夫长很可能是希律·安提帕的军队中的一个军官。This centurion was probably a member of Herod Antipas's forces.

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但耶稣同样称赞他们和百夫长的信心。But Jesus commended both them and the centurion for their faith.

耶稣进了迦百农,有一个百夫长前来求助。When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.

耶稣进了迦百农,有一个百夫长进前来,求他说。When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.

百夫长回答说,主阿,你到我舍下,我不敢当。The centurion replied, "Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof.

百夫长在那里找到一只由亚历山大里亚来,要开往义大利的船,便叫我们上了那船。There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship sailing for Italy and put us on board.

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古罗马人每周有9天,你肯定是个疲于奔命的“千夫长”。You know, the romans had a 9-day week. You would have been a really tired centurion.

战争结束后,持续的军事利兰汽车制造与百夫长坦克。After the war, Leyland Motors continued military manufacture with the Centurion tank.

犹太人的几个长老为甚麽愿意为罗马人百夫长提出一个要求?。Why were the Jewish elders willing to come to make a request for the Roman centurion?

一个军团斥候发现了他救助当地人出逃的行为并把他指证给了一个百夫长。Legionary explorer saw Arcade helping locals escape and pointed him out to a centurion.

百夫长大概听过耶稣讲道,看他行神积,或至少听说过。The centurion must have heard Jesus preach and do miracles, or at least heard about it.

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但百夫长信从掌船的和船主、不信从保罗所说的。There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship sailing for Italy, and he put us aboard it.

这个罗马的百夫长是驻在加利利海边的迦百农城。This Roman Centurion was stationed at Capernaum a town on the edge of the Sea of Galilee.

百夫长是一个管辖100人的指挥官。他为罗马政府工作。A centurion was a Gentile commander of 100 man government. He worked for the Roman government.

不仅在在意大利也不,更具体地说,在蓝衣军团的培训基地在百夫长近的的比勒陀利亚。Not in Italy nor, more specifically, at the Azzurri's training base in Centurion near Pretoria.

突然间苍蝇发现它自己被倾盆而下的粘胶粘住身子,犹如落入古罗马军团百夫长的网罩中。Suddenly the fly finds itself pinned-under a downpour, of glue, as if in a Roman centurion 's net.

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保罗对百夫长和兵丁说,这些人若不等在船上,你们必不能得救。Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved.

百夫长希望他配得医病,但他觉得不配有耶稣来到他家。The centurion hoped he was worthy of a cure, but did not feel worthy to have Jesus come to his house.

在凯撒利亚有一个人,名叫哥尼流,是意大利营的百夫长。There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band