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走或者慢跑下来。Walk or jog down.

约翰催促简去慢跑。John urged Jane to jog.

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小步,小步,小步跑,和我的小狗一路跑。Jog, jog, jog. On a walk with my dog.

人们在那儿来来回回地慢跑、骑自行车。People jog and bike up and down there.

当我开始小步跑,我就不能停下了。I just can't stop. When I start to jog.

我还制定了一个渐进式慢跑计划。I also make a gradual plan for him to jog.

慢跑到附近的书报摊瞧一瞧吧。Jog over to your newsstand and take a peek.

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为了减肥,我每天早上慢跑100公里。To lose weight, I jog for 100km every morning.

在门厅里小跑一下,听一些音乐。Jog around the hallway listening to some music.

慢步林间,和你的聊天又浮现眼前。Jog trot forest, and your chat again surfacing.

每天晚上我都绕湖慢跑一小段。I go for a short jog around the lake every night.

别碰我,我会把东西弄洒的。Don't jog me, or you will make me spill something.

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几个月前,我慢跑根本不在话下。A few months ago. I could jog with-out any problem.

他先是慢走,然后变为慢跑,最后又变为急速狂奔。The walk turns into a jog and then a desperate run.

它是一个慢跑拨号器或者它只是,待在一个地方?这之类的事情,你知道?Is it a jog dialer or it just stays in one position?

训的内容是三千米慢跑。The morning exercise today is a three-kilometer jog.

通常我们通过外部客观的线索来提醒我们。Normally we depend on external cues to jog our memories.

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跑1英里,半程马拉松配速。步行或慢跑2分钟。Run 1 mile at your 10-K race pace. Walk or jog 2 minutes.

他们会另外加一块布景填充空间的。They will jog in another piece of scenery to fill the space.

我们每天以一个稳定的速度在相同的圆形跑道上慢跑。We jog along the same circular track at a steady pace daily.