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斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

我们大量求购糖果,巧克力产品。We buy gummy lollies and chocolate to supermarkets.

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它应该很柔软潮湿,不黏也不软稠。It should be tender and moist but not gummy or doughy.

最好的一点是,它中心有小小的橡皮糖。The greatest thing was the little gummy in the middle.

热冰激凌,固体汤,在黑暗中会发光的橡胶熊。Hot ice cream. Solid soup. Glow-in-the-dark gummy bears.

我很高兴,这些粘性的熊实际上味道很好。I am so glad that these gummy bears actually taste good.

父母需应指点儿童充沛品味每粒小熊软糖,不要间接吞咽。Instruct child to chew each gummy fish carefully and thoroughly.

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橡皮小熊糖没再喂给它们,因为容易粘牙。Gummy bears were abandoned because they stuck to the monkeys’ teeth.

今天我在吃星球大战糖,把一只R2-D2咬成了两半。Today, I was eating Star Wars gummy candies and I bit R2-D2 in half.

汽油中的胶状物量被称为其胶质含量。The amount of gummy material in gasoline is known as its gum content.

黏性、粘著、胶黏的物质在她面前变得任由摆怖。Viscous, sticky, gummy matter has been rendered powerless against her.

我们希望你们不要吝啬地继续为笨蛋熊超时工作基金做贡献。We hope you will contribute unstintingly to the Gummy Bears Overtime Fund.

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这种橡皮糖富含抗氧化物质,字母形状的橡皮糖是个很好的健康选择。Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, gummy letters are a healthy choice.

我的孩子吃了过量的小熊糖,我要带她去看医生吗?Q. My child just ate a handful of Gummy Vites. Do I need to take her to the doctor?

一些跑步者倾向吃椒盐脆饼或者含糖的糖果比如熊仔橡皮糖或者粟米糖。Some runners prefer to eat pretzels or sugary candy such as gummy bears or candy corn.

有另一种硅胶假体植入术,称为“橡胶熊”。Another type of silicone breast implant called a "gummy bear" implant is in development.

学童得到活蹦乱跳、黏黏的青蛙作为回报,猩猩则得到香蕉。The children in the study got gummy frogs as their treat, while the chimpanzees got bananas.

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本品出牙牙胶综合了各种形状和质地的表面,便于宝宝探索和舒缓肿痛的牙龈。The Teething Gummy Guppy offers baby multiple teething surfaces to explore and soothe sore gums.

比如西瓜因为潮湿,污染率最高,橡皮糖污染率最低。Watermelon, with its moisture, drew the highest rate of contamination and the gummy candy the least.

泰勒砸砸嘴,将我的手心按在他的大腿上,放在他的法兰绒浴袍上。Tyler licks his lips, and turns my hands palm-down on his thigh, on the gummy flannel lap of his bathrobe.