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一句尖锐的话足以使她泄气。One sharp remark is enough to deflate her.

继房价连续多年疯涨之后,中国的房地产泡沫目前正开始漏气。After years of housing prices gone wild, China’s property bubble is starting to deflate.

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但是到月底等下个月的薪水的时候,它就会完全地缩小。Come the end when you a waiting for the next paycheck however, it will completely deflate.

那里有近30人看我们划着船,放掉皮筏的气,将其捆在背包上。Around 30 people watched us paddle in, deflate our rafts, and strap them back on our packs.

金称,购买限制将可能更多的打击房产购买的需求。Jin said the purchase restrictions will probably deflate property buyers' demands even more.

如急于放气可压住放气阀杆把蒸汽放净。If the steam needs quick deflating, the deflation valve stem can be pressed to deflate the steam thoroughly.

那样将会逐渐破坏政府为抑制炙热的房地产价格所作的努力,同时也会带来股票市场泡沫化的风险。That would undermine government efforts to deflate red-hot property prices, and threaten a stock market bubble.

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2005年,住房销售曾经回落,因为北京试图挤压上海及其它新兴城市的地产泡沫。In 2005, residential sales slumped as Beijing sought to deflate a real-estate bubble in this and other boomtowns.

一个好笑话能帮助你建立和谐关系、提升士气、缓解工作压力下的紧张情绪。A good laugh can help you build rapport, boost morale, and deflate tension when working under stressful situations.

没有生产力的基础,通货和忍耐达到了极限,这些泡沫资产的必须压缩。Without a productive foundation, as reflation and forbearance reach their limits, those bubble assets must deflate.

如果提高保证金和最低资本要求不能压缩泡沫,监管部门可进一步提高标准。If a tightening of margin and minimum capital requirements does not deflate a bubble, regulators can tighten some more.

为了消除这种不真实的恐惧,我们需要提供给生活在这个已经意识到乳腺癌严重性的社会中的女孩们确切真实的信息,消除她们心中的疑虑。To deflate unrealistic fears, young girls living in the breast-cancer-awareness era need accurate information and reassurance.

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如需移动机床位置,必须先放掉垫铁内的气体,以免垫铁中橡胶部分因内压大而崩裂。If the machine needs to be moved, deflate the mounts first, lest the rubber part blows out because of the strong inner pressure.

今年1月,津巴布韦印制了面值为有十一个‘0’的钞票,仅隔一个月就又令其货币贬值。In January, Zimbabwe printed a dollar note with a number containing 14 zeros, only to further deflate its currency a month later.

据新华社报道,上海和其它几个城市已行动起来,限制房屋买卖,以遏制房地产市场泡沫。Shanghai and several other cities have moved to restrict home purchases in a bid to deflate the real estate bubble, Xinhua reports.

如果国王阿卜杜拉真的想要给油市场放气,他能试着宣布在几一天百万桶的产量方面的一个增加。If King Abdullah really wants to deflate the oil markets, he could try announcing an increase in output of a few million barrels a day.

一旦充了气,充气底板会变得和木底板一样硬。If you are planning to inflate and deflate your boat often, then the air floor is your best solution, because the boat folds compactly.

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作为欧元成员国,这些国家必须通过通货紧缩而重新获得竞争能力,这就意味着要遭受所有的痛苦。For membership in the euro means that these countries have to deflate their way back to competitiveness, with all the pain that implies.

过去和现在,只要中央银行出手干预市场,向金融系统撒下数以万亿计的美元,一个泡沫就会因缘而起,并且注定会破裂。Anytime the central bank intervenes to pump trillions of dollars into the financial system, a bubble is created that must eventually deflate.

美国仍然是世界最大经济体,不过是靠借中国人和阿拉伯人的钱来维持的。如果中国人不再借钱,那美国就会塌掉。USA is still the largest economy maintaining itself with money borrowed from Chinese and Arabs. US will deflate if Chinese money is taken out.