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阿萨姆邦的一个历史-爵士步态。History of Assam – Sir Edward Gait.

OXOM和阿萨姆彻底一次。OXOM and ASSAM thoroughly one more time.

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阿萨姆邦的一个统计帐户-湿重欣特。Statistical Account of Assam – WW Hinter.

最后加入阿叁水煮滚即可。Lastly add in assam juice and bring to boil.

印度如何防卫拉达克、阿邦和阿萨姆邦?How would India defend, Ladakh, AP and Assam?

英式早茶是我的最爱,阿萨姆红茶。English Breakfast tea is my favourite, Assam tea.

阿萨姆邦十八世纪-拉梅什总卡利塔。Assam in the Eighteenth Century – Ramesh Ch Kalita.

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如果找不到亚参,可用2片柠檬取代。If Assam Keping is not available, you may substitute 2 slices of lemon.

大坝会帮助减少比哈尔邦和阿萨姆邦居民面临的洪灾威胁。DAM will help Bihar, and Assam citizen to reduce flood threat every year.

阿萨姆邦是世界上最大的亚洲象聚居地。Assam is the home of the largest concentration Asiatic elephants in the world.

阿萨姆仍有少数传统的捕鸟者以猎鸟为生。A few traditional bird hunters still make their living from bird hunting in Assam

亚参放入2汤匙水中,浸片刻至出味,滤清后成亚参汁备用。Soak the Assam in 2 tbsp of water for a while, strain and retain the Assam juice.

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OXOM以及阿萨姆邦发展的同时,和发音,无论名称。OXOM as well as ASSAM developed in parallel, and phonetically, both the names are.

然后坐小火车到阿萨姆邦的贾布尔基地,然后飞越驼峰到昆明。Then by narrow gauge railroad into the Assam Valley to Chabua and fly over The Hump to Kunming.

从阿萨姆到中国西南部的降雨带完全是由于高原地形的影响所产生的。The large rainfall belt from Assam to Southwest China depends fully on the effect of the Plateau.

以阿萨姆红茶为基底,加上独特的决明子风味,更加浓郁醇厚。Taking Assam black tea as the base, and adding in unique Cassia seed flavor to be stronger and mellower.

而在雅鲁藏布江以北的阿萨姆邦,排水沟边的陡峭阶梯会成为大象们的陷阱。Elephants have become trapped in steep-sided drainage ditches in parts of Assam north of the Brahmaputra.

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阿萨姆邦的大部分地区由于缺乏降雨,正经历着酷暑期,这在季风期到来之前是很不寻常的。Bereft of rainfall, large tracts of Assam are experiencing a heatwave, which is unusual during the pre-monsoon period

阿萨姆邦北部的警察避免了孟买爆炸事件在首府高哈蒂附近的巴斯卡地区重现。Police in the northern state of Assam have averted a repeat of the Mumbai blasts in Baska district near the capital Guwahati.

朋友对桂圆味比较深刻,我的话大概是小时候都喝阿萨姆的茶,所以对这味道很深刻吧。My friend was impressed by the longan fruit aroma, but for me, maybe I had too much Assam in my childhood, so I noticed the malt.