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下班去埔里的公车什麽时候来?When is the next bus to Puli ?

埔里也难避免现代建设带来的变貌。Puli cannot avoid the changes brought by modern construction.

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汁多、味甜的红甘蔗仍为埔里的主要农产之一。Sweet, juicy red sugar cane is still a major agricultural product in Puli.

三名受伤的工人送往埔里基督教医院治疗。The three injured workers are being treated at the Puli Christian Hospital.

这个奇怪的东西初看像一个拖把头,而实际上这是一只牧羊犬。It looks like a mop with a face but actually it's Hungarian Puli sheep dog, Fee.

第一天初抵埔里,踏出车外的刹那,一阵清香扑鼻而来。Day 1. The moment I stepped out of the bus in Puli , I felt the aroma in the air.

埔里盆地以东,大部分的区域为中潜感至高潜感区,又高潜感区多位于山脊位置。Most of the slopes east of Puli basin have medium high to high failure potential.

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喝茶、聊天,是埔里居民饭后的休閒生活。Drinking tea and conversation are the after-dinner recreation for residents of Puli.

以南投县埔里镇居民为研究母体,以便利抽样方式发放问卷,共回收有效问卷390份。Sampled from residents in Puli town, Nantou County, there were 390 valid samples for this study.

在埔里镇桃米村,村民把他们小城镇营造成一个受欢迎的观光生态景点。In Tao-Mi Village, Puli Township, the villagers changed their small town into a popular eco-tourism destination.

由于气候温和、海拔高度适中,花卉栽培成为埔里的新兴产业。Because the climate is moderate and the altitude just right, horticulture has become a newly rising industry in Puli.

选择「埔里」作为本期封面故事,是被埔里人的自信所深深吸引。It is the deep attraction of the self-confidence of the people of Puli village that makes them this edition's cover story.

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埔里林渊石雕公园正在大兴土木。这个石塔是由林渊伯的作品组合而成。The Lin Yuan Stone Carving Park in Puli is currently under construction. This stone tower is made of the collected works of Lin Yuan.

闻名的埔里手工纸,面临劳工不足、成本高涨的问题,产量逐年减少。Famous Puli hand-made paper faces the problems of a shortage of labor and rising costs, and the amount produced has declined year by year.

正大和他的前身普利袜厂是东安市场早期唯一的针织品的厂子。Zhengda Hosiery Mill, and its predecessor, Puli Hosiery Mill, was the sole knitwear mill in Dong'an Bazaar which was in its earlier stage.

丰美的土地,是埔里得天独厚的资产,如何既迈向繁荣又保有它的纯净原貌,也是埔里今后的挑战。Blessed with rich and prosperous land, how to move towards wealth while preserving its pure original face is the challenge now facing Puli.

这些写生作品,回来之后都一一在“田园艺廊”展出,冀望能提升埔里镇民的生活品味与旅游文化。The works of the team are exhibited in Pastoral Gallery in Puli. We want to give a bit of artistic touch to the daily life of Puli averages.

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本研究目的在瞭解埔里地区居民对「酒類观光」发展冲击认知及发展态度。This study explored Puli residents' perceptions of the impacts of wine tourism and their attitudes regarding future wine tourism development.

唐代隐士诗人陆龟蒙在这里退休,因此水乡被命名为埔里。This water town was named after a Tang Dynasty recluse poet called Lu Guimong who retired in this town. Lu Guimong had a pseudonym- Mr. Puli.

传统的米粉汤摊子,酷爱古早味的人可不能错过,埔里米粉加上各式的切料不一会儿你就会扶著肚子满足地打个嗝啰。The traditional grourmet can't miss this stall. Rice-flour noodles from Puli and all sorts of plain dishes will soon conquer your empty belly.