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有些恳切的祈祷,有否回音?Is there some earnest prayer unanswered yet

这封信放著有一个月没回了。This letter has lain unanswered for a month.

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星期一,给该委员会打电话,没人接。Calls to the commission rang unanswered Monday.

幸运的是,乔布斯对这一粗略的问题并未予以回答。Fortunately, that glib question stays unanswered.

请谅解我没有回答所有的问题。Excuse me for my leaving the questions unanswered.

交易成功,但问题并未解决。Done deal. Sale made. The question went unanswered.

这个男性谘询者有许多待解的问题。The consultant was a man who had many unanswered questions.

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但他也提醒道,还有很多未解的问题。But, he cautions, there are still many unanswered questions.

为什么没有被答出来的谜语就像没有人来参加的宴会一样?Why are riddles unanswered like a party that no one comes to?

他的祈祷全都没应验,所以他不配得到任何东西。His prayers were all unanswered and so he doesn’t deserve anything.

有许多对这个事件未予答覆的疑问。There is a litany of unanswered questions surrounding the incident.

这位摇滚巨星1977年过早的逝世为我们留下了无尽的疑问。The King’s untimely death in 1977 left a lot of unanswered questions.

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但是,不得而解的大谜团是,我们究竟需要多少睡眠时间?But the big unanswered question is how much sleep do we actually need?

这许多的言语岂不该回答吗?多嘴多舌的人岂可称为义吗?Are all these words to go unanswered ? Is this talker to be vindicated?

周二,记者曾多次致电医院宣传部门,均无人接听。Repeated calls to the propaganda department went unanswered on Tuesday.

几天我之后,我向这家公司多次致电和发电子邮件进行咨询,但都杳无音信。Over the next few days, several phone calls and e-mails went unanswered.

当然,尚待解答的问题是,这些高层员工为什么离开?The unanswered question is, of course, why are the top employees leaving?

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上面这个接口虽然简洁,但遗留了许多问题没有回答。While succinct, the above interface leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

它提出了我们研究中未回答的问题了。“It raises one of the unanswered questions from our research,” Fogel says.

这怎么可能发生呢?这很可能会是个永恒无解的问题。That is a question that will likely go unanswered for the rest of eternity.