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他的公司收取少量的中介费。His company would charge small intermediation fees.

能够增加仲裁,为我带来了一些相当特别的便利。The ability to add intermediation gives me some fairly specific advantages.

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黄-重新调解已经破坏的身体机能平衡性Yellow-the intermediation has been already broken afresh of body function balance

“要求仲裁会鼓励消息携带更多的上下文信息”。Requiring intermediation encourages messages to carry more contextual information.

对金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three clews.

不过,他强调,要租的话,得交200元中介费,并且得赶快。However, he stressed the need to rent, may pay 200 yuan intermediation costs, and a rush.

强制性变迁和诱致性变迁是农民中介组织发育的两条路径。Imposed change and induced change are the two path of development of peasant intermediation.

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证券经纪业务也不同于代理、行纪、居间等,有自身的特点。Securities investment advisory service is different from agent, brokerage and intermediation.

“除了请求-响应和发布-订阅,仲裁使消息交换模式极大地复杂化了”。Intermediation greatly complicates any message exchange pattern other than request-response and pub-sub.

业内估计,沪上至少有20余家贷款中介或明或暗从事这一业务。Industry estimates, at least 20 more credit intermediation Hushang overtly or covertly involved in the business.

因此,中间层提供了专用性投资不足问题的市场解,而不必采用纵向一体化的组织解。So Intermediation gives a market solution to avoiding under invest, not an organization solution by vertical integration.

“仲裁要求仲裁系统对于它所拦截的消息的语义至少有些理解”。Intermediation requires the intermediating system to understand at least some of the semantics of the messages it intercepts.

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不过我们得特别小心这样的应用程序架构,它在应用程序相关的行为上依赖于中介体框架。Care must be taken to avoid application architectures that rely on the intermediation framework for application-related behavior.

但这其中不少人存在贪图便宜的心理,不愿意支付中介费用,结果受骗上当,得不偿失。But many people are seeking cheap psychological, unwilling to pay the cost of intermediation , the results have been deceived and lose.

当前,我国法律规定仲裁与诉讼关系是司法权对仲裁权的支持和监督。At present, our law defines the relationship between arbitration and lawsuit as the support and supervision of imperia for intermediation.

必须开发更有深度和广度的国内债券和股票市场,使它们成为银行之外的储蓄和投资仲介。Deeper and broader domestic bond and equity markets must be developed as an alternative to bank intermediation for savings and investment.

这些超大城市可以通过分享基础设施及降低市场中介成本的规模经济带来繁荣。These super-cities would yield prosperity through economies of scale by sharing infrastructure and decreasing market intermediation costs.

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主体之间的安全中间层可以进一步分解为执行点、决策点、契约和属性。The security intermediation between principals can be further deconstructed into enforcement points, decision points, contracts, and attributes.

企业的中间层理论认为当来自中间层的交易净收益超过买卖双方的直接交易净收益时,企业就会形成。The Intermediation Theory of the Firm thinks that firms are formed when the gains from intermediated exchange exceed the gains from direct exchange.

在中介服务区设置了60个半封闭式中介经纪组织摊位和20余家开发企业展示交易场所。Intermediation services in the areas of intermediary brokers 60 semi-enclosed stalls and 20 more organizations to develop enterprise display market place.