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法官被命令重新审理起诉。The justices were ordered to rehear the information.

他的交响曲在第一次预演时就受到嘲笑而不能上演。His symphony was laughed off the stage at its first rehear sal.

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高级人民法院决定复审这桩刑事案件。The higher people's court decided to rehear this criminal case.

第四部分着重分析了我国刑事再审程序提起的制度弊端。The fourth part is about the actual demerits of our criminal rehear procedure.

第三部分为刑事再审程序提起的比较法考察。The third part is to review the foreign criminal rehear process comparatively.

布鲁克的律师说他会要求第九巡迴法庭再次审理这个案子。Brooks' lawyer, Eric Zubel, said he would ask the 9th Circuit to rehear the case.

第二部分主要对中外刑事再审程序的制度渊源进行了阐述。The second part is about the origin of China and foreign countries' criminal rehear process.

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周二,法院驳回两家公司关于6月裁定的重审上诉。On Tuesday, the court refused to rehear an appeal from the two companies to review the June decision.

在投票的法官,上诉法院今天同意重新审理该案,相对罕见的决定。After polling its judges, the Court of Appeals today agreed to rehear the case—a relatively rare decision.

在这种情况下,投资人肯定会对这个领域做一个重新的评估和再审视。Below this kind of circumstance, affirmation meets investor do a new assessment and rehear to inspect to this domain.

艺术新闻报纽约报道——美国芝加哥联邦上诉法院拒绝复审一个艺术家的诉讼案件,他采用有生命的野花做的作品遭到破坏,要求索赔。NEW YORK. The Chicago federal appeals court that denied an artist’s rights claim for damage to a work made of living wildflowers has refused to rehear the case.

刑事再审制度是为了纠正司法错误、维护司法公正和权威而对已经生效的裁判进行再次审理的一种特殊救济程序。Criminal retrial system is a kind of special relief procedure to rehear the already effective umpire in order to correct the judicial inaccuracy and protect the judicial fairness and authority.