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预计它将在毗邻的索契举办2014年冬奥会前建成。It is expected to be ready in time for the 2014 Winter Olympics in nearby Sochi.

两位总统在普京位于黑海度假地索契的总统休闲别墅举行了磋商。They conferred at Mr. Putin's presidential retreat in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

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布什总统将在黑海渡假胜地的索契市与普京总统会谈。President Bush will confer with President Putin in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi.

很难想象索契的奥林匹克运动会场地将会在30年后有同样的命运。One can hardly imagine the Olympic objects in Sochi will have the same destiny in 30 years.

平昌第一轮获得36票居首位,索切获得34票紧随其后,萨尔茨堡获得25票。Pyeongchang led the first round with 36 votes, followed by Sochi with 34 and Salzburg with 25.

2014年将在索契举办下一届冬季奥运会的俄罗斯赢得15枚奖牌,其中有三枚金牌。Russia, the host nation for next Winter Games in Sochi in 2014, won 15 medals, three of them gold.

俄罗斯现在正在筹备举行2014年的冬奥会,这次冬奥会将在风景如画的黑海海边城市索契举行。Russia is now preparing to host the 2014 Winter Olympics in the picturesque Black Sea resort of Sochi.

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在2014年索契奥运会前,索契公共汽车站将装备几种语言的语音翻译机播报站名。Sochi will equip bus stops with voiced translators to several foreign languages by Olympic Games 2014.

俄罗斯关于反同性恋的立法是索契奥运会前面临的众多指责之一。Russia's anti-gay legislation is one of multiple criticisms facing the nation ahead of the Sochi Games.

布什总统结束访问前在黑海著名疗养地索契同俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈,他们将讨论美国导弹防御体系。President Bush wraps up his trip in the Black Sea resort of Sochi for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

考虑到接下来要发生的事,由格鲁吉亚、波兰和波罗的海国家挑起杯葛行动是完全有可能的。Depending on what happens next, a boycott of Sochi led by Georgia, Poland and the Baltic states is entirely feasible.

就“大众活动规划”的最佳规范展开交流,以确保2014年在索契举行的冬季奥运会期间的公共安全得到保障。Exchanging best practices in “mass event planning” to better ensure public safety at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

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索契最终以51票对47票在国际奥委会最后一轮投票中击败韩国城市平昌。Sochi defeated the South Korean city of Pyeongchang 51-47 in the final round of voting by the International Olympic Committee.

在索契,超过15000会集在为了流行音乐会和公告的一座大广场欢呼。In sochi cheers erupted from the crowd of more than15000that had gathered for a pop concert and the announcement in a main square.

新西兰称它正在检查一份报道,报道称在俄罗斯索契满港口发现了一只稀有的鹬鸵,这离它居住地在数千里远。New Zealand says it is checking reports that a rare kiwi bird has been found thousands of miles from its native land in the Russian port of Sochi.

同一天,遇难者家属开始陆续由新西伯利亚抵达索契,他们在当地一家旅馆的大厅里不安地来回踱步。另外一些家属将于本周日从以色列赶来。Their relatives began arriving in Sochi from Novosibirsk on Friday, pacing the halls of a local hotel. Others were expected from Israel on Sunday.

2009年9月19日,索契国家公园,普京正在凝视一只关在笼中的猎豹。This picture taken on September 19, 2009 shows Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin looking at a leopard as he visits the National Park in Sochi.

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小朋友们还描绘了获得柔道黑腰带级别的普京总统身着柔道服的模样,以及他修理汽车发动机和在黑海索契疗养地度假的情景。The president, a black belt in judo, was also depicted in fighting garb, fixing the engine of his car or holidaying in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

这架飞机从莫斯科起飞,在索契停留加油后于当地时间清晨5时30分再次起飞,几分钟后从雷达上消失。The aircraft, which had come from Moscow, departed from Sochi at 5.30am local time after a refuelling stop and disappeared from the radar within minutes.

克里斯蒂在2013年成绩很好,尤其在一月份德雷斯顿举行的欧洲锦标赛赢得冠军后,这次在索契被寄予了更多的期望。Christie held high hopes ofsuccess in Sochi after putting a rollercoaster2013 behind her with victory in the European Championships in Dresden in January.