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狼疮列这么多,它是伟大的模仿者称为不同的方式。Lupus presents in so many different ways that it is known as the great imitator.

举例来说,中国正在实现从模仿者到真正创新者的转型。China, for instance, has been evolving from being an imitator to a real innovator.

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如果你不知道你的想法从哪里来,你可能在模仿一个模仿者.If you don't know where your ideas are coming from, you're probably imitating an imitator.

其中一个这样的不确定性是模仿者所能够达到的产品差异化的程度。One such uncertainty is the extent of product differentiation that the imitator can achieve.

据美国国家公共电台网站报道,华盛顿动物园中的大猩猩"邦尼"是个模仿全能选手。According to US National Public Radio, a chimpanzee named Bonnie in the Washington Zoo has become an all-round imitator.

李小龙死而复生完全是编造,他的模仿者从墓中回到人间,向谋杀他的人复仇。Bruce Lee fight back from the grave was downright with Lee imitator rising from the grave to seek vengeance of his murderers.

为了检验活塞模拟装置的往复运动和冲击载荷对它的影响,进行了一系列试验。The experiments were made for the reciprocate motion of the piston imitator and for the case when there was an impact loading.

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仿效巴黎,就会使你破产。此外,尤其是在这远得无法追忆而又缺乏理智的挥霍方面,巴黎本身也是仿效别人的。Imitate Paris and you will ruin yourselves. Moreover, and particularly in this immemorial and senseless waste, Paris is itself an imitator.

自由免费使用专利技术不仅给抄袭公司带来巨额利润,同时也为他们所处国家的经济做出了贡献。Freedom to freely use technologies often benefited not only the imitator companies but also the national economies in which they were based.

一位迈克杰克逊的模仿者逗得他们咯咯笑,他戴着耳机,滑稽地模仿麦克,好像并不为给别人看。On Saturday, they giggled at a Michael Jackson imitator wearing headphones and doing a comically poor imitation of the artist, seemingly for himself.

无须多说,你在这里找不到很多独创的创意,当一个公司得到了一个成功的创意,模仿者很快就会出现在其它公司。Suffice it to say, you won't find many original ideas here, and when a successful idea comes from either company, an imitator just as quickly appears from the other.

随着现代科学技术的规模和投资强度增大,率先创新者的收益受仿制者行为的影响也在增加。Increased with the scale and investment intensity of modern science and technology, the lead innovator"s income is influenced much more by the behavior of the imitator."

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但是到目前为止,在四代iphone成功推出,iPad销量一路狂飙的情况下,任何一个人看到以“i”命名的数码产品都会认为是在模仿苹果。But now, after four successful generations of the iPhone and the steep ascent of the iPad, anyone else caught iNaming a digital product would look like an Apple imitator.

模仿的好处很明显,猴子看模仿者的时间比其它人更长,也更多选择站在模仿者面前。The advantage of mimicry was clear. Monkeys looked longer at the imitator than they did at the other experimenter, and they chose to stand in front of the imitator more often.