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她像一头獾那么重。She was as heavy as a badger.

他们用火把獾从洞中熏出来。They fired the badger out of the hole.

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门外的这只貛正在看什么?What's the outward badger looking at ?

獾大步流星地跨进房间。The Badger strode heavily into the room.

产于东南亚象雪貂的獾。Small ferret-like badger of southeast asia.

你不能纠缠我去参加聚会。You can't badger me into going to the party.

玉龙曾下降,瑞兽献蓝皮。Jade Dragon did descend, badger offered its skin.

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死獾一瞧足球为打赢通过。A dead badger hefting a football for a winning pass.

玉龙曾下降,瑞兽献蓝皮。Jade Dragon did descend, blue badger offered its skin.

獾和蛇在树林里进行了一场恶斗。The badger and the snake had a ferocious battle in the woods.

当您尝试獾香膏你会看到为什么他们如此美妙。Once you try Badger Balms you will see why they are so wonderful.

狐貉之厚以居。When staying at home, he used thick furs of the fox or the badger.

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女特务对约翰用美人计,约翰上当了。Girl spy played a badger game with John, John failed into her trick.

早餐几乎结束了,獾才睡眼惺松地走了进来。Breakfast was almost finished when the Badger entered, looking sleepy.

我们爱的事实,獾香膏来在所有的金属扭曲顶端容器。We love the fact that Badger Balms come in an all metal twist top container.

我们爱的事实,獾香膏来在所有金属捻顶端容器。We love the fact that Badger balms come in an all metal twist top container.

双獾雕工细致,玩耍的情景使双獾显得十分活泼。Double badger carver, the scene to double the badger play appear very lively.

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于是,夫妻俩晚上等呀等,真的看到茶釜又变成獾精了。So they watched the next night, and sure enough it turned into a badger again.

胡须颤抖着,狮焰感觉自己就像一只落到獾爪下的松鼠。Shaking snow from his whiskers, Lionblaze felt like a badger trailing squirrel.

当雪地里出现獾时,它看见这支手套并开始想往里面钻。Up through the snow appeared a badger. He eyed the mitten and began to climb in.