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六段分期法。The sixth installment method.

他用分期付款的方式买了一台汽车。He's bought a car by installment.

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PE床头床尾板,可轻松装卸。PE head and end , easy for installment.

我将在下一部分讨论这个问题。I'll discuss this in my next installment.

对一笔分期偿付的贷款所支付的实际利率。The true rate of interest paid on an installment loan.

我将在接下来的部分中讨论这些转移。I will cover these transitions in the next installment.

本文将进一步介绍可移植性问题。This installment goes further into the portability issues.

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这一部分介绍第二和第三种方法。This installment looks at the second and third approaches.

内部安装有雳达天线系统。The internal installment has li reaches the antenna system.

这部重磅电影是该三部曲电影中的第三部。The blockbuster is the third installment in the film trilogy.

哈里波特第六部要出了。The sixth installment of Harry Potter will hit the bookshelf.

这是第二次分期付款的杀手视频游戏系列。It was the second installment of the Hitman video game series.

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我们既不接受分期付款,也不接受延期付款。We accept neither payment by installment nor deferred payment.

我将在本系列下一期文章中介绍如何能做到这一点。I'll explain how you do so in the next installment of this series.

我们将在后续的部分中更详细地讨论这个问题。We will also discuss this in more detail in an upcoming installment.

下一篇文章中将介绍这种样式的一个例子。I will present an example of this stylesheet in the next installment.

换装灯泡前,须关闭电源,以策安全。The power should shut down before installment to make sure about safety.

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这一期填补了敏捷构架材料缺失的空白。This installment rectifies the lack of material about agile architecture.

获取录后,首次团费必须以支票缴付。The first installment of class fee after enrolment must be paid by cheque.

外挂式设计,体积小,安装方便。The integrated design, the volume is small, the installment is convenient.