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你清爽我的旨趣吗?You know what I meany good?

我的男朋友以前是个小气鬼!My boyfriend is used to a meany.

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你能通知我它表示什么吗?Could you tell me what it meany kind ofs?

跟我无关的话,请一个字也不要说。Do not tell meany words that have nothing to do with me.

不善意见意义,师长教师!,您是说您丢了房间的钥匙?Excuse me! sir. Do you meany kind of you lost your room key?

不好心术,师长教师-,您是说您丢了房间的钥匙?Excuse me- sir. Do you meany kind of you lost your room key?

我送你回去我们不需要那坏蛋毛象,对吗?I'll return you. We don't need that meany -weeny mammoth do we?

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就因为我看电视,我就变得堕落了?Just because I watch TV, does that make meany less of who I already am?

好吧,看来大脑要比布朗.百科里的复仇者-疯狂的米妮更复杂一些。OK, so the brain is a bit more complex than Encyclopedia Brown's nemesis, Bugs Meany.

可以请你给我一些拥有这些手稿的经销商的地址么?Could you send meany addresses of other dealers who might have any of the above items?

其实斯米尼诺娃也是最受男生欢迎的,只不过性情开放,很不受女生欢迎。In fact, most boys Si Meany Nova is also welcome, but an open nature, it is not welcome girls.

威廉•格林去世后担任劳联主席的乔治•米尼成了这一新劳工组织的主席。George meany who had been president of the afl from the time of william green's death assumed the presidency of the newly formed labor organization.

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其实青岛俱乐部之前也曾向往签约伊朗后卫,但由于签证没有办理成功让他们无奈放弃伊朗后卫阿米尼。Before actually Qingdao Club, also once yearned for that signs a treaty the Iranian guard, but because the visa has not handled lets them give up Iranian guard Meany reluctantly successfully.