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就我所知,罗杰·布莱这人很老实。As far as I know, this guy Roger Bly is honest.

很可爱但是又很不负责任很危险。就像一只发了狂的松鼠。Both cute and irresponsi bly dangerous. Like a rabid squirrel.

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布莱指挥官奉命无情地杀害了塞库拉。Clone Commander Bly carried out the order, ruthlessly killing Secura.

布莱是ARC士兵阿尔法训练的第一代克隆人指挥官之一。Bly was one of the first generation of clone commanders to be trained by the ARC trooper Alpha.

当66号指令发布时,布莱及其士兵将他们的绝地长官作为共和国的敌人消灭了。When Order 66 was enacted, Bly and his soldiers killed their Jedi leader as an enemy of Republic.

布莱和327星际军陪伴塞库拉游历新霍尔斯泰斯、霍诺格、安扎特和萨卢卡迈。Bly and the 327th Star Corps served with Secura on tours that took them to New Holstice, Honoghr, Anzat and Saleucami.

布莱最早的数字模型有红色涂装,但为了更契合费卢西亚的环境,涂装被改成了黄色。The initial digital model of Bly had red markings, but this was changed to yellow to better suit the Felucia environment.

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起先布莱的数位模型的涂装是红色的,但被改成黄色以融入费露西亚的环境。The initial digital model of Bly had red markings , but this was changed to yellow to better suit the Felucia environment.

代表原告方的律师,以及代表在Macondo井工作的钻井公司的律师,询问了英国石油公司的马克·布莱所做的调查工作。Attorneys for the plaintiffs and companies that helped drill the Macondo well grilled BP's Mark Bly about his investigation.

布莱更喜欢有始有终地完成任务,但一有需要,他还是会顺从地按命令上船前往下一个地方。Bly preferred to complete missions that he started, but nonetheless obediently followed orders to ship off elsewhere when needed.

为了表明对共和坚定不移的忠诚,布莱和他的士兵举起步枪,向他们的指挥将领开枪,残酷的杀死从未料到如此的绝地。Demonstrating his unerring loyalty to the Republic, Bly and his troopers raised their rifles and opened fire on their commanding officer, coldly killing the unsuspecting Jedi.

绝地武士艾拉·塞库拉和克隆人指挥官布莱率领由克隆人步兵组成的星际军,穿越行星的原始丛林,搜寻埋伏的分离势力军队。Jedi Knight Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Bly led the Star Corps of clone trooper infantry through the wild underbrush of the planet, searching out Separatists forces that lay in wait.