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目的探讨益心饮对病毒性心肌炎的影响。Objective To study the effects of Yixinyin on viral myocarditis.

心肌炎应绝对卧床休息6周以上。The I. myocarditis should have bedrest absolutely above for 6 weeks.

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目的探讨胸腺肽治疗小儿病毒性心肌炎的疗效。Objective To explore the effect of thymosin on pediatric viral myocarditis.

心肌炎是一种由多种致病因素所引起的复杂疾病。Myocarditis is a complex disease because multiple pathogenetic factors play a role.

其心脏病变可表现为心包炎,心肌炎、心瓣膜病等。The diseases of heart are representing pericarditis, myocarditis and valvular disease.

观察炙甘草汤加味治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效。Modified Prepared Gancao Decoction was applied in treating45cases of viral myocarditis.

目的探讨云南省克山病病区急性致死性心肌炎暴发流行及其猝死的原因。Objective Study why acute and lethal myocarditis fulminate in Keshan disease area in Yunnan.

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病毒性心肌炎是一种常见病,尤以冬春季节多发。Viral myocarditis is a common disease, especially in the winter and spring seasons and more.

以急性出血性肠炎和非化脓性心肌炎为特征。It has two distinct presentations, acute hemorrhagic enteritis and non-suppurative myocarditis.

提示炙甘草汤加味治疗病毒性心肌炎有较好疗效。It indicated that Modified Prepared Gancao Decoction had good effects in treating viral myocarditis.

本文对28例小儿病毒性心肌炎患者进行了T细胞检测,发现患儿外周血T细胞亚群有明显改变。In this paper, T cell and CD20 in 28 cases of Patients with infantile viral myocarditis were detected.

当维生素B1缺乏引起心肌炎时,中医则名之曰“脚气冲心”。So TCM understands myocarditis due to deficiency of vitamin B1 as invasion of beriberi into the heart.

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众所周知,流感会导致诸如心肌炎的心脏并发症。It is common knowledge that the influenza infection can have cardiac complications, such as myocarditis.

心肌病理积分显示MCMV心肌炎属轻度炎症。The myocardial lesion score showed the degree of inflammatory cell infiltration is slight in MCMV myocarditis.

本文拟对卡维地洛治疗病毒性心肌炎机制的研究进展作一综述。This article gives a review of research advances in mechanism of carvedilol in treatment of viral myocarditis.

对该网络提出的重大要求包括禽流感、埃博拉热、马尔堡热、脑膜炎、心肌炎和鼠疫方面的要求。Major demands placed on it include those of avian influenza, Ebola, Marburg, meningitis, myocarditis and plague.

目的探讨1.6-二磷酸果糖对治疗小儿病毒性心肌炎的疗效。Objective This paper discusses the effect of 1.6-fructose diphosphate on the treatment of infant's viral myocarditis.

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医师应该了解使用氯氮平的初期就能引起可能致命的心肌炎。Prescribers should be aware that potentially fatal myocarditis may develop early after the commencement of clozapine.

接种病毒浓度与鼠心肌炎发病率之间不存在剂量反应关系。There was not dose reaction relationship between morbidity rate of myocarditis and concentration of CVB_3 inoculated.

目的观察宁心颗粒治疗小儿病毒性心肌炎的临床疗效。Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Ningxin Granule Heart-Quieting Granule for pediatric viral myocarditis.