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喜欢到久未再去的老地方看看。I love to reminisce my old friends.

她喜欢回忆她的童年时代。She likes to reminisce about her childhood.

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老朋友们总喜欢谈论那“美好的往昔”。Old friends like to reminisce about the"good old days".

我想追忆我的想法和情绪,一切我所说的和所做的。I want reminisce about my thoughts and emotions, everything that was said and done.

展开就是活着的记忆。可是,我总在怀想那棵十六岁的树木。Those unfolded are living memories. However, I always reminisce the tree of sixteen.

柔嘉最喜欢听她的回忆,所以独蒙怜爱。Jou-chia loved hearing her reminisce , so Jou-chia became the sole recipient of her affection.

吉恩和博比回忆起以前在休息室里举办过的那么多次聚会。Gene and Bobbie Bonti reminisce the parties they had in the family’s formal formal living room.

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在这个情绪的影响下,我也翻出了母亲留给我的包在手绢里的旧粮票。This has led me to reminisce over an old handkerchief parcel of food coupons my mother left me.

泉沟村,人们很少谈到先人,并且他们不喜欢缅怀往事。In the village of Spring Valley, people rarely spoke of the dead, and they didn't like to reminisce.

他还会记起如其所言你在他家院子里度过的许多时光。”妈妈告诉杰克。He'd reminisce about the many days you spent over 'his side of the fence' as he put it, " Mom told him."

对于这段回忆我们仍然会经常提起,然而当我看到父亲回想时的眼神,总会产生心痛的感觉。We still reminisce over memories like this, and it breaks my heart when I see the look in my dad’s eyes.

衰老会使对年龄的感觉变得迟钝,这样他们就可以回忆起年轻时的快乐时光。Senility blunts the awareness of the aged, so they can reminisce about happier days when they were younger.

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另一方面,他们过着一种相对无聊的正常生活,而且只能深情地缅怀以往的“宝瓶时代”。Otherwise, they lead relatively boring normal lives and can now only fondly reminisce about the Age of Aquarius.

不过在我们追忆过去的产品经久耐用的时候,让我们面对现实——其中没有一种技术现今仍在使用。But while we reminisce about the longevity of products past, let's be frank — none of that tech is still in use today.

喝上一杯酒,咖啡或茶,然后读本好书,或看场精彩的电影,也可以翻翻老照片,回忆过去。Drink a glass of wine, coffee, or tea, read a good book, or watch a good movie. Look at old photographs and reminisce.

数字相片不占物理空间,在你希望沉浸在旧日时光中时你可以去看它们。Digital photos don’t take any physical space and you can easily go through the pics when you feel like you want to reminisce.

研究者说,花钱去体验能够带给我们更长久的快乐的一个原因在于我们可以回忆它们。One reason that paying for experiences gives us longer-lasting happiness is that we can reminisce about them, researchers say.

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最近,在上海盛大的芭比娃娃专卖店的开幕,促使我想起芭比娃娃和她对我们的意义。Recently, the grand opening of the Barbie Megastore in Shanghai prompted me to reminisce about Barbie and what she means to us.

每当我们回首一起度过的美好时光,对这些事的回忆总是让孩子们双眸发亮,骄傲地挺直了腰板。These are the things the children recall with shining eyes, backs straight with pride when we reminisce about the good times we have had.

每当我们花些时间盘点我们收藏的东西,回忆买下每件特别物品的那些时光时,内疚感就会不时地涌上心头。Guilt bubbled up every now and then when we took a moment to inventory our collection and reminisce about the time we bought a particular piece.