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他看上去像一个军人。He looks like a soldier.

我决定再难了要干到底。I decided to soldier on.

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士兵注意到他了。The soldier twigged him.

他是一个残废军人。He is a disabled soldier.

战士挥动他的枪。The soldier waved his gun.

军人必须服从命令。A soldier must obey orders.

每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fight bravely.

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他应征当兵。He was drafted as a soldier.

不幸降临于可怜的士兵身上。Woe betide the poor soldier.

每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fought bravely.

俄罗斯士兵的形象。Image of the Russian soldier.

那位士兵把外衣扣好。The soldier does his coat up.

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他年轻时当过兵。In his youth he was a soldier.

这个士兵开小差。The soldier deserted his army.

士兵由于受伤不治而死。The soldier died from a wound.

但J。会是个忠实的士兵吗?But will J. be a loyal soldier?

这名士兵违抗了命令。The soldier disobeyed an order.

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噢,轰掉雪山的那个小兵!The soldier from the mountains!

一位土兵仰面躺在铺位上。A soldier lies flat on his bunk.

他既是个兵士,又是个诗人。He is both a soldier and a poet.