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1795年,康特找到了问题的答案。Conte found the answer in 1795.

Conte说很少人知道小小郭有多勇敢!Conte said few appreciate Kuo's bravery.

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孔蒂和维亚利是更适合这个工作的人选。Antonio Conte and Gianluca Vialli are the right men for the job.

伯爵德在法国勃朗峰地区有几个著名的香槟酒厂。The Conte de Blanc region in France has several famous champagne houses.

据说孔蒂已经为尤文图斯列出了一份为下赛季准备的五人引援名单。Conte reportedly has a list of five names he would like to make Juventus players in time for next season.

了解更多关于德孔戴从勃朗峰地区香槟与葡萄酒专家提示在这个自由香槟影片。Learn more about Conte de Blanc region champagnes with tips from a wine expert in this free champagne video.

切实其实,这是一株不错的蔷薇,伯爵听了客人奖励之后写意地说,并说他甘愿批准把树的源头讲给夫人听听。Yes, it was a fine rose, the Conte said proudly when they praised it, and he would tell the Signora about it.

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费拉拉曾表示他希望正式执教斑马军团,但他面临着巴里主教练安东尼奥。孔蒂的竞争。Ferrara has said he wanted to make it a permanent job on the Bianconeri bench, but faces competition from Bari boss Antonio Conte.

孔蒂曾暗示,由于他们无法在左路签到合适的人选,因此他们的球队可以说是不完整的。Antonio Conte suggested his side were not quite complete on Friday as they have been unable to sign a wide man to play on the left.

我代表孔戴总统和几政府再次重申,几方一个中国的政策永远不会改变。On behalf of President Conte and the Guinean government, Diallo reaffirmed once again that his country will never change its one-China policy.

过去几年,我可是亲眼看到一些伟大的球员,譬如说孔蒂和蒙特罗,他们离开时甚至俱乐部都不会送他们一束花。I was present and saw some great players of the past years like Antonio Conte and Paolo Montero who left without receiving even a flower from the club.

但是前任锡耶纳主帅孔蒂告诉尤文管理层,他并不想要这位年过26的中场球员,他将在他的就职新闻发布会上确定这一点。But former Siena boss Conte told Juve bosses he did not want the 26-year old midfielder and is expected to confirm as much at his inaugural press conference.

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同时通过这些小故事向小朋友传达天文地理,人生哲理等方方面面的知识。Communicate astronomy geography to the child through these conte at the same time, the knowledge of the square field surface such as life philosophic theory.

据罗马体育报报道,如果能在今年夏天接过克劳迪奥。拉涅利的教鞭的话,安东尼奥。孔蒂将会试图签下阿森纳边锋蒂奥。沃尔科特。Antonio Conte will try to sign Arsenal winger Theo Walcott if he replaces Claudio Ranieri as Juventus Coach this summer, according to Il Corriere dello Sport.

随着几内亚萨纳.孔戴总统的逝世,这是24年以来几内亚奇迹般成功的一次政变。The first thing to say about the coup attempt that followed the death of Guinean President Lansana Conté is that it's something of a miracle it took 24 years.

由于来自英国的铅笔供应被切断,他被限制只能使用他的不纯净的法国石墨上。他从不接受次好,于是拿破仑雇佣了尼古拉斯·康特来解决这个问题。Cut off from English pencils. he was stuck with his own impure French graphite. Never one to accept second best, Napoleon hired Nicholas Conte to solve the problem.

斑马军团星期六将做客托斯卡纳,主帅希望球队能够击败前尤文队长安东尼奥·孔蒂执教过的阿雷佐队,以一场胜利确保升级成功。The Bianconeri travel to Tuscany on Saturday, when the Coach is hoping to make sure of promotion with a win over a side coached by former Juve captain Antonio Conte.

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事件发生后,孔戴和几内亚总理福法纳通过国家电台发表讲话,证实了这起袭击事件和1名总统卫队成员死亡的消息,呼吁民众保持冷静。After the incident, Conte and Prime Minister of Guinea state radio speech by Fofana, confirmed the attack and a member of the Presidential Guard news of the death, calling for calm.

尽管孔蒂希望能够重现球队昔日的辉煌,不过看来想要签下里贝里还是有一定难度的,德甲班霸已经一再表示,他们并不愿意在今夏将他们最出色的球员推到转会市场上。However, despite Conte wanting to recreate the team's golden age, signing Ribery would need a considerable effort as Bayern have often said they are unwilling to sell their best players this summer.