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这张照片上的是列支敦士登的速滑健将蒂娜•维瑞兹。This photo shows skier Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein.

而列支敦士登现在则和英国协商一个更具合作性质的TIEA。Liechtenstein is negotiating a more co-operative TIEA with Britain now.

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1925年,列支敦士登首先在立法上承认了一人公司。In 1925, Liechtenstein first acknowledged one-man company in the legislation.

列支敦斯登于1806年赢得独立,其目前的统治者为汉斯·亚当二世王子。Liechtenstein , ruled by Prince Hans-Adam II, gained its independence in 1806.

而名义上全国110名警察在这段时间内也将唯你马首是瞻。With the 110-strong Liechtenstein police force " notionally" at your disposal.

上月,德意志银行和列支敦士登的LGT集团进行独家谈判。Last month Deutsche entered exclusive negotiations with LGT Group of Liechtenstein.

不过纳尼因为肩膀受伤不能去国家队报到了。However, Nani will miss Portugal's trip to Liechtenstein after sustaining a shoulder injury.

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上周他在与立陶宛的比赛中梅开二度还罚失一个点球错过上演帽子戏法的机会。Last week Villa scored twice against Liechtenstein but missed a penalty to post a hat trick.

在同组的俄罗斯2-0战胜列支敦士登的比赛中被租借的阿莱克谢·斯梅尔廷赢得了第50次为国家队的机会。In the same Group on loan Alexey Smertin wins his 50th cap in Russia's 2-0 win over Liechtenstein.

要出现实质性变化,列支敦士登必须签署和批准新的法律协助合约。Before effective change can occur, Liechtenstein must sign and ratify new legal-assistance treaties.

列支敦士登和安道尔周四双双表示了愿意配合国际调查的意愿。On Thursday, Liechtenstein and Andorra both indicated a wish to cooperate with international probes.

目的探讨平片无张力修补术在治疗腹股沟斜疝、直疝中的价值。Objective To inquire into the value of Liechtenstein Hernioplasty in the therapy of oblique or direct hernia.

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瑞士法郎是欧洲唯一没有被欧元取代的法郎,通行于瑞士与列支敦士登。The Swiss franc, the only European franc not to have been replaced by the Euro, is used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

目前为止,列支敦士登只对涉嫌税务欺诈的调查予以配合,税务欺诈在该国属于刑事犯罪。Until now, Liechtenstein has cooperated only in the investigation of alleged tax fraud, which is a criminal offense domestically.

毫无疑问中欧人口最少的国家是列支敦士登,这个微型国家只有三万三千人口。No prizes for guessing that the region's least populous nation is tiny Liechtenstein , the residents of which number a mere 33,000.

尽管作为列支敦士登王子的文策斯劳斯,拥有一个几乎比自己国家名字还长的名字,但这位皇室成员成为许多人心中的钻石王老五。Even though Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein has a name that's almost longer than his kingdom, this eligible royal is quite a catch.

列支敦士登虽然国土面积很小,但却极为富有,其官方语言是德语。它也是世界上唯一一个位于阿尔卑斯山区内的国家。Liechtenstein is the smallest yet the richest German-speaking country in the world and the only country to lie entirely within the Alps.

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屋外,多瑙河的激流哗哗流过,屋里的电视机正在播放德国国家队和列支敦士登的足球比赛。Outside the river Danube rushed past noisily, while inside the German national football team were playing Liechtenstein on the television.

列支敦士登是地球上面积最小的讲德语的国家也是唯一一个没有跟德国接壤的德语国家。Liechtenstein is the smallest German-speaking country on Earth and the only German-speaking nation that doesn't share a border with Germany.

有一天,列支敦士登看着她的父亲在厨房里忙进忙出,将一件件东西放进手提篮中。One day, Liechtenstein was watching her father dart back and forth around the kitchen, packing item after item into a small hand-woven basket.