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响沙湾?Sounding Sand Bay?

去户外母鹿海湾事务部。Ooh go doe bay mwa.

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它是近的木头海湾吗?Is it near Wood Bay?

遣送至关塔那摩湾。Sent to Guantanamo Bay.

那海湾真美丽。That's a beautiful bay.

沿着湖湾的边沿。Along the margin of a bay.

在汤里加一片月桂树的叶子。Add a bay leaf to the soup.

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香港深水湾径嘉名苑。Deep Water Bay Drive, H. K.

到海湾出口还有1英里。Kestrel 1 mile to bay exit.

河流蜿蜒曲折地流过山谷。The river winds to the bay.

达勒姆希尔法姆斯湾岸边。Durham Hill Farms Bay Beach.

这就是所谓的海湾大桥。It is called the Bay Bridge.

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去南湾的路上。On the freeway to South Bay.

打开别离舱门,美国经典片子。哈尔。Open the pod bay doors- HAL.

这海泉湾这么大。The Haiquan Bay is so large.

月桂叶是做什么用的?What are the bay leaves for?

把装备放在第三号仓房。Put the equipment in No3 bay.

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他们把我们用船运过海湾。They boated us across the bay.

他们用船把我们送过海湾。They boated us across the bay.

是啊。这里就是三娘湾了。Yes. This is the Sanniang Bay.