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那件讼案因而尚未解决。The lawsuit was then pending.

一个漫长的诉讼仍悬而未决。A long-running lawsuit is pending.

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他们以诉讼威逼他。They threatened him with a lawsuit.

他们以诉讼来威胁他。They threatened him with a lawsuit.

由于我们穷,官司打输了。As we were poor we lost the lawsuit.

嘉信理财称这一起诉没有道理.Schwab said the lawsuit lacks merit.

据了解,这并非普里西马的第一次诉讼。This isn't Purisima's first lawsuit.

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要是他们发现了,我们要吃官司的。And if they find it, we got a lawsuit.

诉讼或多或少总要花钱。A lawsuit involves more or less expense.

苹果不愿对此诉讼发表评论.Apple declined to comment on the lawsuit.

但是她还是受不了这样天天打官司的生活。But she just can’t live with the lawsuit.

每个人都有向对方提起诉讼。Each has filed a lawsuit against the other.

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但是,本周,诉讼重新开庭。This week, however, the lawsuit resurfaced.

安沙利拒绝就这些讼案置评。The Ansaris declined to comment on the lawsuit.

他的说法也许是一个法律诉讼的前兆。His view perhaps is lawsuit of a law is augural.

我们相信新浪会在与何勇的官司中败诉。We believe that SINA will lose the lawsuit to Mr.

你永远不会在电子邮件中收到一封诉讼。I mean, you would never receive a lawsuit by e-mail.

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其中,和微软的诉讼案曾让我陷入困境。My lawsuit with Microsoft really got me in hot water.

你最好不要为他中伤你而对他提出诉讼。You'd better not to file a lawsuit for his backbiting.

也不可在诉讼的事上偏护穷人。And do not show favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit.