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猪把食槽拱翻了。The pig nosed the trough down.

我的爱犬嗅出了一个洞内有猎物。My dog nosed game out in a cave.

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我当时感到有点情况不妙。I nosed out something wrong there.

他小心翼翼地开车穿过了小溪。He nosed his car across the spring.

他的狗闻了闻我,然后放我进去了。His dog nosed me,then let me go in.

我是一个住在城堡中的长鼻魔法师。I'm a long nosed wizard in a castle.

那只船小心地驶过冰块前进。The ship nosed its way through the ice.

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他已侦察出那家“俱乐部”的秘密。He has nosed the secrets of that “Club”.

那架失事飞机还在那里倾覆着。The accident aeroplane was still nosed over there.

雄鹰俯冲而下,仔细观望。The male eagle nosed down to look on it carefully.

他在决赛中以些微之差败给了年轻的选手。He was nosed out in the finals by a younger player.

他望着海面,看到两条犁头鲨游近来了。Watching, he saw two shovel nosed sharks closing in.

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你找什么东西呢?你在我的办公室里东找西翻好一阵子了。What are you looking for? you've nosed about in my office.

上个星期的马赛上,他又一次以微弱优势胜过了我。He once again nosed ahead of me on the horse race last week.

飞机刚一离地便径直拔高飞上了高空。The plane nosed up into the sky when leaving from the runway.

新蓝瑟的鲨鱼式前脸灵感来自于喷气式战斗机。The Lancer's new "shark nosed" look was inspired by jet fighters.

乍看起来,这样的声明和决定是非常死板顽固的。The statement accompanying the decision was, at first glance, hard nosed.

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美国海军还征用了四只长着瓶状鼻子的海豚加入这个动物旅。The US Navy has also enlisted four bottle- nosed dolphins in its animal brigade.

我们身后是斯德哥尔摩号,她本身也是一座海岛,船身到船尾几乎完全插入到冰块中。Behind us, the Stockholm, an island in itself, nosed into the ice almost up to the stern.

一架飞机在跑道面拿大顶,机场关闭,请改航到你的备降机场。An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway , airport closed . please divert to your alternate.