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在卵巢端的输卵管末端为漏斗部。At the ovarian end of the oviduct is the infundibulum.

目的探讨弹性塑胶输卵管堵塞术的可行性。To research the self-elastic gel block of the oviduct.

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不孕输卵管粘连阻塞时可致不孕。When sterile oviduct adhesion blocking may send sterile.

附件炎就是指输卵管和卵巢的炎症。The adnexitis is refers to the oviduct and ovary's inflammation.

去卵巢后,输卵管粘膜上皮萎缩。After ovariotomy, the epithelia of the oviduct were atrophied and regressive.

毒液器官通过毒囊的毒液导管附着在总输卵管上。The venom apparatus joined together with the common oviduct by its venom duct.

受精作用在输卵管内发生而受精卵则在子宫内发育。Fertilization occurs at oviduct and development of the fertilized egg at uterus.

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阵发性排出者应注意有输卵管癌的可能。Paroxysmal extraction should pay attention has the oviduct cancer's possibility.

我已经做了腹腔镜输卵管通粘连手术10个月了,还是没有怀孕?I had done celiac lens oviduct to open adhesion operation 10 months, be still pregnant?

目的探讨腹腔镜手术治疗输卵管梗阻性不孕症的临床应用价值。Objective To study clinical application on oviduct obstructive acyesis by peritoneoscope.

卵巢是位于输卵管末端,靠近子宫角尖底的部位。The ovaries are located toward the end of the oviduct near the tips of the uterine horns.

子宫内膜是最内部的一层,帮助运输精子到输卵管。The endometrium is the inner-most layer and aids in the transportation of sperm to the oviduct.

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壶腹部和峡部均由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成。The oviduct ampulla and isthmus were composed of mucous layer, tunica muscularis and adventitia.

输卵管一旦发炎即可发生粘连,重则管腔闭塞,精子不能通过则不能受孕。Oviduct inflammatory can happen once adhesion, heavy then lumen out-of-the-way, sperm cannot through cannot conceive.

成年母鸡的白痢病以卵巢变形变色以及与之相关的输卵管阻塞及卵黄性腹膜炎为特征。In adult hens, the main findings were abnormal shapes and discolours of ovum, obstruct of oviduct and yock peritonitis.

输卵管吻合术是绝育术后输卵管再通的主要方法。The oviduct inosculation operation was a primary method that oviduct was connected again after sterilization operation.

输卵管壁由一层上皮细胞、基膜及结缔组织细胞组成。The oviduct wall consists of a thin layer of connective tissue , basal lamina and a layer of columnar epithelial cells.

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若为输卵管积水或输卵管卵巢囊肿,则在盆腔一侧或两侧摸到囊性肿物,活动多受限。If hydrosalpinx or oviduct ovarian cyst, criterion in pelvic one or both cystic neoplasm touch, activities more limited.

将体外分离培养经超排处理的新西兰大白兔输卵管上皮及子宫内膜细胞接种于4孔板培养。The oviduct epithelial cells and endometrial cells were isolated and cultured in vitro, then inoculated into 4-well plate.

结论子宫输卵管粘连对于输卵管结扎术的影响大,术前需仔细检查,及时治疗。Conclusion The tubal ligation using oviduct inflammatory for the great influence, carefully check before, timely treatment.