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他希望科技委更好地围绕当前部的工作重点开展工作。He expressed the hope that the CST better focus on the current work of the Department.

药液的表面张力与靶标的临界表面张力愈接近,药液在靶标上容易润湿铺展。Dilution is easier wetting and spreading on target with its ST nearer to CST of target.

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操作系统该课程涵盖了操作系统的分析和设计的概念。Cst 240. Operating Systems. This course covers concepts in operating systems analysis and design.

对以色列地区犯罪的批评和对反犹太主义不易昂,CST也很小心仔细的区分这两类事件。Criticism of Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism, and the CST is careful to distinguish between the two.

把对比源截断法中的迭代公式修改后,可明显加速在低频的收敛。The iteration formula in the CST is corrected, which increases the convergence rate considerably at lower frequencies.

CST还注意到,在犹太人的神圣日许发生了多事件,而这一天的犹太教堂也人来人往。The CST also notes that many incidents occur around the Jewish high holy days, when more people are going to and from synagogues.

研究结果对土壤类型的正确参比、中国土壤系统分类的应用与发展、具有很好的参考应用价值。The results of the study are of high reference value to proper correlation of soil taxa between CSGC and CST and development of CST.

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这是根据物理单位的STC和STV以及完备时空的时空属性所演绎出的一种新的物理学分析方法。This is a new analyzing method found based on STC , STV of physical units and properties of CST which apply to all physical theorem and law.

“厚德载物诚信经营”中体国训会以强大的责任心和优良的产品服务我们的客户。Integrity is our utmost goal, and CST Technology assumes the highest responsibility to provide the best products and services to our clients.

上海市科委透露,国内首幢生态办公样板楼目前已在上海市莘庄工业区建成。Shanghai CST disclosed that the first domestic office buildings ecological model, the foundation of industrial zones have been built in Shanghai.

用FDTD法和CST软件对双开口谐振环进行了详细模拟对比,对其反应机理进行了分析。We compare simulation results of double-split ring resonator using FDTD method and CST software respectively, and analyse its physical mechanism.

结论带环形巩膜全角膜移植术后体液免疫较部分穿透性角膜移植反应程度高,可能是排斥率高的原因之一。Conclusion The existing time of humoral immunity in CST was longer than that in PKP, one reason may be that the rate of rejection in CST is higher.

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并通过三维电磁场软件进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与理论分析所得结论一致。The formula of the electric field distribution through CST and the numerical simulation, simulation results with theoretical analysis concluded unanimously.

带式输送机采用CST多级驱动控制,通过比例阀及控制系统实现软起动与功率平衡。The conveyer belt adopts the CST step driver control, and the realization of the soft-startup and power balance depends on the proportional valve and control system.

对照组双侧皮质脊髓束重建,自中央前回下行至内囊并延续至脑桥和延髓,每条连续形态一致性良好。Reconstruction of bilateral CST in the control group, precentral gyrus to internal capsule and continued to pontine and medulla oblongata, and concordance was good in each.

这是国家建设部科技委智能建筑技术开发中心副主任黄久松对广州市住宅智能化水平的总体评价。This is the MOC CST wisdom Huang, deputy director of the construction technology development center in Guangzhou Jiusong residential intelligent assessment of the overall level.

分析各类型土壤参比的面积及其标准偏差,结果表明土壤参比的单元级别越低,越易于参比和把握。Results obtained from statistics of references area of the soils in CST show that it is easier to grasp references if the references are all at lower level for both GSCC and CST.

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本文以分子动力学探讨奈米级铜薄膜在弹性范围内的弯曲受力的行为。In this article, we use molecular dynamic to simulate the copper nano-scale rod during bending. We use molecular dynamic to match the CST concept with finite element analysis method.

分析了虚拟样机技术的特点和优势,并运用虚拟样机技术来解决在早期开发可控软启动系统中遇到的问题,给出了虚拟仿真的实施方案并为下一步研究工作奠定了基础。This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the start of the large-scale belt-conveyer, and puts forward a method for solving this problem, which is adopting CST controllable soft start system.