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从十亿光年到零点一费米。From 1 billion light-years to 0.1 fermi.

首次建立超微粒子费密算符理论。The theory of Fermi operator is developed.

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王女士在01年成立香港融乐会。Fermi Wong set up Hong Kong Unison in 2001.

这个想法在费米悖论中有所体现。This idea is embodied in the Fermi Paradox.

像所艺术家一样,费米有他的独特风格。Like all virtuosos, Fermi had a distinctive style.

像的艺术家一样,费米有他自己的独特风格。Like all virtuosos , Fermi had a distinctive style.

王惠芬特别指出了这条法例两项明显不足的地方。Fermi Wong points out two deficiencies in the ordinance.

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不过随着时间的推移,费米望远镜会不断发现更多的爆发点。But over the next few years, Fermi will detect more and more bursts.

他相信这个过程产生出了费米镜观测到的伽马射线流。He believes that this process supplies the gamma-rays observed by Fermi.

因此,恩里科•费米把它们叫做‘小中子’,在意大利语中就是中微子的意思。So Enrico Fermi called them "a little neutron, " in Italian is neutrino.

弗米遇到自己未来的妻子时,她还是一个大学理科学生。Fermi met his future wife while she was a science student at the university.

如果费米实验室的结论是正确的,对于物质生成论将是个坏消息。If the FERMI results turn out to be correct, that's bad news for hylogenesis.

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2008年9月16日,费米望远镜发现了迄今为止最为强烈的伽马射线爆发。On September 16, 2008, Fermi picked up the most powerful GRB observed to date.

费米尔泡可能是由我们银河系中心的黑洞所驱动的。The Fermi bubbles could be powered by the black hole at the center of our galaxy.

与理想体系比较,指出粒子间的相互作用加强了泡利顺磁性。Compared with ideal Fermi gas, the interaction of particles strengthen Pauli paramagnetism.

在超导体中,玻色子是在费密表面形成的束缚态电子对。In superconductors , the bosons are the pairs of bound electrons that form at the Fermi surface.

这是回答费米悖论所提问的,为什么星系中没有充满了智能生命。This speaks to the Fermi Paradox, which asks why the galaxy isn’t crawling with intelligent life.

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彼得`迈克尔逊是美国宇航局费米伽玛射线空间望远镜大视场望远镜首席研究员。He's principal investigator of the Large Area Telescope on NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.

据说,弗米有一次曾问他教的大学生,在芝加哥有多少位钢琴调音师。Fermi is said to have once asked his university students how many piano tuners there were in Chicago.

研究了超冷均匀极化的费米气体在共振区的相图。The phase diagram of a homogenous ultracold Fermi gas with spin polarization is studied at unitarity.