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湖岸的景色十分壮观。The lakeshore view was stupendous.

的蛇纹石湖岸是128公里长。The serpentine lakeshore is 128km long.

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湖岸带发育小型风成砂丘。Small wind sand dunes develop in the lakeshore zone.

现在在湖边可以看到成片的新生树木。Patches of resprouted trees now border the lakeshore.

唯有此时,才没湖岸阻挠那波纹。Only at this time there is no lakeshore to stop the ripples.

大风吹起的积雪和大浪摧毁了芝加哥的湖岸。Snow swirled and waves crashed along the lakeshore in Chicago.

上图是一副位于湖岸的冰构的红外照片。The photo above is an infrared shot of a lakeshore ice formation.

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滨、浅湖相构成了湖泊相的主要亚相类型。Lakeshore and shallow Lake deposits are main microfacies types of lake facies.

这个舞台上,5公里的旖旎湖岸,才是真正千载难逢、独一无二的主角。On this stage, the 5-kilometer charming lakeshore is really the rare and unique star.

湖畔的花园景色怡人,不过厚厚的云层遮住了富士山顶。The lakeshore gardens were pleasant though Mount Fuji's peak was obscured by thick clouds.

你从彩云之南徐徐走来,千里烟波的阻碍不过是一场彼岸烟花。From you, walking slowly, thousands of miles of lakeshore hindrance is but a shore fireworks.

雌鲨会将卵排在沿着湖岸生长的楔叶类或者其他湿地植物旁。Mothers would've attached their eggs to horsetails and other marshy plants along the lakeshore.

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分析了三角帆蚌对水体的主要水质因子变化及鱼产量的影响。The main water factors of fishpond water in lakeshore and the impact of fish yield were analyzed.

改造湖岸,增加园路、凉亭及临水休闲空间。Transforms the lakeshore , increases the garden road, the pavilion and near the water leisure space.

每年,加勒比狂欢节都吸引着世界各地成千上万的游客来到多伦多的湖畔。Annually, Caribana draws hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the globe to Toronto's lakeshore.

一旦击中湖岸行游者数以百计的人开始跑的坡道西行伽尔迪纳。Once the marchers hit the lakeshore hundreds of people began running up the ramp to the westbound Gardiner.

日月潭的湖域景观是其作为国家级风景区的主要景观元素。The lakeshore landscape around the Sun Moon Lake is the major landscape element for being a National Scenic Area.

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其滨湖、沼泽相炭质泥岩及煤系建造是库车坳陷重要的烃源岩。Lakeshore and swampy carbonaceous mudstone and coal measures are major hydrocarbon source rocks of the Kuqa depression.

2000年2月,荆州市观音垱镇天星观村北湖滩上暴露出一座古代墓葬,荆州市博物馆对其进行了抢救性发掘。The tomb was first found on the lakeshore at Tianxingguan in February 2000 and underwent rescue excavation immediately.

这段缝隙被湖岸边的砾石填满,同时布置了一些LED灯。This gap that is filled with gravel-stones collected from the lakeshore is also creating nests for the soft LED-lighting.