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爱上奢华,爱上爱醇葡萄酒。If you love the "dolce vita", you love Amore Wine.

这位时尚达人穿了一件杜嘉班纳的蜘蛛网图案连衣裙。The fashionista was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana spider web dress.

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而杜嘉班纳产品主打性感套装和蕾丝裙。Dolce & Gabbana sent out a sultry ensemble of suits and lace dresses.

体现了这种夏威夷印染潮流的一个设计品牌便是多尔斯和加巴那。A designer that embodied this trend of Hawaiian prints is Dolce and Gabbana.

如果你想要无糖、加州免费咖啡糖浆,尔西塔既有品种。If you want sugar-free and carb-free coffee syrups, Dolce has both varieties.

然而,杜嘉班纳公司已开始将此举通告各大零售合作商。However, Dolce & Gabbana has begun notifying its retail partners of the change.

杜嘉班纳、高堤耶、薇薇恩•韦斯特伍德现在也仍然还在生产文胸。Dolce and Gabbana, Gaultier, Vivienne Westwood still produce corsetry in clothing.

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古奇,香奈儿,爱马仕,迪奥,路易威登或杜嘉班纳,你几乎可以选择一个名称。Gucci, Chanel, Hermes, Dior, Vuitton or Dolce Gabbana, you can almost pick a name.

杜嘉班纳逸蓝男士淡香氛有最少的未被列出的成分仅包含7种。Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue had the fewest unlisted ingredients, containing just seven.

杜嘉班纳的中性色短裤恬静轻浮,而卡尔文·克莱恩的短裤具有动感。Dolce & Gabbana did theirs with an effortless neutral breeze while Calvin Klein's were sporty.

俄罗斯消费者认为迪奥、D&G和阿玛尼是最为时尚的品牌。Russian consumers consider Dior, Dolce &Gabbana and Giorgio Armani the most "high fashion" brands

这样那些诸如杜嘉班纳,伊夫·圣·洛朗等著名的设计师才能把牌子在全世界宣传。This means that the designers, such as Dolce Gabbana and Yves Saint Laurent achieve worldwide publicity.

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并列照片中一张特别引人注目的照片,犀利哥正在模特秀这最新的D&G产品,“看他额头皱眉…不需要再说什么…太性感了..”One particularly striking picture juxtaposes Brother Sharp's with a model showing the latest Dolce &Gabbana collection.

您的品味把您带到了这里,您会发现杜家班纳具有出众的质量并且对时尚有很高的敏感度。Your selective taste has led you here, to Dolce and Gabbana, where you'll find superior quality and fashion sensibility.

斯嘉丽的绿色D&G蕾丝裙更是让人羡煞,如翡翠般清新的颜色加上腰带收腰设计让她看起来格外可人。Scarlett makes 'em green with envy in a belted, Dolce and Gabbana emerald lace dress and tousled hair as she heads into the show.

多年来意大利之所以能过上“好日子”,一个很大的原因就是不断地卖债券——而且是海量债券。A big reason Italy has been able to live "La Dolce Vita" for as long as it has over the years has been its ability to sell debt – lots of it.

当你提到米兰,你会谈论时尚。当你谈论时尚,你会谈起许多大人物,其中会包括多尔奇和嘉班纳。When you talk about Milan, you talk about fashion. When you talk about fashion, you talk about the big names, and Dolce and Gabbana are among those.

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可能还是埃弗拉!他从头到脚都是D&G,他总是在摩纳哥和米兰血拼,也很聪明。即便穿着训练服也是。Patrice again probably! He's head to toe in Dolce & Gabbana, he does all his shopping in Monaco and Milan, and is always smart, even in his tracksuit.

大概六个月之前,面对日益加剧的品牌冲突,生产商杜嘉班纳公司开始考虑从根本上改变D&G的产品营销策略。About six months ago, faced with increasing cannibalization of the two labels, Messrs. Dolce and Gabbana began to consider radically changing D&G's strategy.

我赋予她智慧让她晓得一个好丈夫是毫不会伤害他的妻子的,但有时我也会考验她支撑自己丈夫的信心和坚强。I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, dolce bags, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.